5.5 Exercises (See Section A.1 for the solution to each exercise.)

  1. Diagram the following query:

    SELECT ... 
    FROM Customers C, ZIP_Codes Z, ZIP_Demographics D, Regions R
    WHERE C.ZIP_Code=Z.ZIP_Code
      AND Z.Demographic_ID=D.Demographic_ID
      AND Z.Region_ID=R.Region_ID
      AND C.Active_Flag='Y'
      AND C.Profiled_Flag='N'
      AND R.Name='SOUTHWEST'
      AND D.Name IN ('YUPPIE', 'OLDMONEY');

    Make the usual assumptions about primary-key names, except that the primary key of ZIP_Codes is simply ZIP_Code, and note that the Name columns of both REGIONS and ZIP_Demographics are also uniquely indexed. You have 5,000,000 rows in Customers, 250,000 rows in Zip_Codes, 20 rows in ZIP_Demographics, and 5 rows in Regions. Assume all foreign keys are never null and always point to valid primary keys. The following query returns 2,000,000 rows:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers C WHERE Active_Flag='Y' AND Profiled_Flag='N';
  2. Diagram the following query:

    SELECT ...
    FROM Regions R, Zip_Codes Z, Customers C, Customer_Mailings CM, 
         Mailings M, Catalogs Cat, Brands B
    WHERE R.Region_ID(+)=Z.Region_ID
      AND Z.ZIP_Code(+)=C.ZIP_Code
      AND C.Customer_ID=CM.Customer_ID
      AND CM.Mailing_ID=M.Mailing_ID
      AND M.Catalog_ID=Cat.Catalog_ID
      AND Cat.Brand_ID=B.Brand_ID
      AND B.Name='OhSoGreen'
      AND M.Mailing_Date >= SYSDATE-365
    GROUP BY... ORDER BY ...

    Start with the same assumptions and statistics as in Exercise 1. Customer_Mailings contains 30,000,000 rows. Mailings contains 40,000 rows. Catalogs contains 200 rows. Brands contains 12 rows and has an alternate unique key on Name. The following query returns 16,000 rows:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Mailings M WHERE Mailing_Date >= SYSDATE-365;
  3. Diagram the following query:

    SELECT ...
    FROM Code_Translations SPCT, Code_Translations TRCT, Code_Translations CTCT, 
         Products P, Product_Lines PL, Inventory_Values IV, Brands B,
         Product_Locations Loc, Warehouses W, Regions R, 
         Inventory_Taxing_Entities ITx, Inventory_Tax_Rates ITxR, Consignees C
    WHERE W.Region_ID=R.Region_ID
      AND Loc.Warehouse_ID=W.Warehouse_ID
      AND W.Inventory_Taxing_Entity_ID=ITx.Inventory_Taxing_Entity_ID
      AND ITx.Inventory_Taxing_Entity_ID= ITxR.Inventory_Taxing_Entity_ID
      AND ITxR.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
      AND ITxR.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE
      AND ITxR.Rate>0
      AND P.Product_ID=Loc.Product_ID
      AND Loc.Quantity>0
      AND P.Product_Line_ID=PL.Product_Line_ID(+)
      AND P.Product_ID=IV.Product_ID
      AND P.Taxable_Inventory_Flag='Y'
      AND P.Consignee_ID=C.Consignee_ID(+)
      AND P.Strategic_Product_Code=SPCT.Code
      AND P.Turnover_Rate_Code=TRCT.Code
      AND P.Consignment_Type_Code=CTCT.CODE
      AND IV.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
      AND IV.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE
      AND IV.Unit_Value>0
      AND P.Brand_ID=B.Brand_ID
      AND B.Name='2Much$'
      AND ITX.Tax_Day_Of_Year='DEC31'
    GROUP BY... ORDER BY ...

    Start with the same assumptions and statistics as in Exercises 1 and 2, except that W.Inventory_Taxing_Entity_ID points to a valid taxing entity only when it is not null, which is just 5% of the time. The counts for table rows are as follows:


    Code_Translations has a two-part primary key: Code_Type, Code.

    Inventory_Values and Inventory_Tax_Rates have a time-dependent primary key consisting of an ID and an effective date range, such that any given date falls in a single date range for any value of the key ID. Specifically, the join conditions to each of these tables are guaranteed to be unique by the Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date conditions, which are part of the joins, not separate filters. (Unfortunately, there is no convenient way to enforce that uniqueness through an index; it is a condition created by the application.) The following queries return the rowcounts shown in the lines that follow each query:

    Q1:  SELECT COUNT(*) A1 FROM Inventory_Taxing_Entities ITx 
         WHERE ITx.Tax_Day_Of_Year='DEC31'                          
    A1: 2
    Q2:  SELECT COUNT(*) A2 FROM Inventory_Values IV
         WHERE IV.Unit_Value>0
           AND IV.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
           AND IV.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE                        
    A2: 7,400
    Q3:  SELECT COUNT(*) A3 FROM Products P
         WHERE P.Taxable_Inventory_Flag='Y'                         
    A3: 8,300
    Q4:  SELECT COUNT(*) A4 FROM Product_Locations Loc
         WHERE Loc.Quantity>0                                       
    A4: 123,000
    Q5:  SELECT COUNT(*) A5 FROM Inventory_Tax_Rates ITxR
         WHERE ITxR.RATE>0
           AND ITxR.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
           AND ITxR.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE                      
    A5: 4
    Q6:  SELECT COUNT(*) A6 FROM Inventory_Values IV
         WHERE IV.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
           AND IV.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE                        
    A6: 8,500
         WHERE ITxR.Effective_Start_Date <= SYSDATE
           AND ITxR.Effective_End_Date > SYSDATE                      
    A7: 4
    Q8:  SELECT COUNT(*) A8 FROM Code_Translations SPCT
         WHERE Code_Type = 'STRATEGIC_PRODUCT'                      
    A8: 3
    Q9:  SELECT COUNT(*) A9 FROM Code_Translations TRCT
         WHERE Code_Type = 'TURNOVER_RATE'                          
    A9: 2
         WHERE Code_Type = 'CONSIGNMENT_TYPE'                       
    A10: 3
  4. Fully simplify the query diagram for Exercise 1. Try starting from the queries and the query statistics, rather than from the full query diagrams. Then, compare your result with what you get when you start from the full query diagrams that you already did.

  5. Fully simplify the query diagram for Exercise 2, following the guidelines in Exercise 4.

  6. Fully simplify the query diagram for Exercise 3, following the guidelines in Exercise 4.