You want to obtain the list of sites.
Open the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in.
Click on the Sites container.
The list of sites will be displayed in the right pane.
Double-click on a site to view its properties.
Run the following command to list the sites:
> dsquery site
Run the following command to view the properties for a particular site:
> dsget site "<SiteName>"
' This code lists all of the site objects. set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") set objSitesCont = GetObject("LDAP://cn=sites," & _ objRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext") ) objSitesCont.Filter = Array("site") for each objSite in objSitesCont Wscript.Echo " " & objSite.Get("cn") next
Site objects are stored in the Sites container (e.g., cn=sites,cn=configuration,dc=rallencorp,dc=com) in the Configuration Naming Context (CNC). For more information on creating sites, see Recipe 11.1.