Richard Edwards graduated with a Ph.D. from Leeds University in 1995 and spent 4 years in industry as a software developer, specializing in relational databases, GUI development, OLAP, and data warehousing. In 1999 he returned to academia, taking a post in the School of Education at the University of Wales, Bangor (UWB), where he codeveloped the Electronic Village?a DfES-funded groupware system for U.K. and French schools?which showcased at the BBC's Tomorrow's World Live event in 2000. He now works as a research officer in the Software Engineering & Systems Integration (SESI) research group of the School of Informatics at UWB. His principal research interests include XML databases (on which subject he has presented to the British Computer Society, the British Library, and at a number of conferences), XML transformation using XSLT and the semantic mapping metalanguage SML, and supporting online communities with next-generation groupware. He is cofounder and a director of Semantise Ltd., an ICT consultancy business based in North Wales.
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