View nodes in an XML document according to the XPath 1.0 data model.
The XPath 1.0 data model ( views XML documents as containing seven possible node types:
Root nodes (called the document nodes in the XPath 2.0 data model; see
Element nodes
Attribute nodes
Text nodes
Comment nodes
Processing instruction nodes
Namespace nodes
Mike Brown and Jeni Tennison have created several stylesheets, available at, that visually represent all seven of the XPath node types. Such tools can be useful when trying to uncover less obvious nodes (namespace or whitespace-only text nodes) or when just learning about the XPath model. These stylesheets allow you to view an XML tree either in ASCII (ascii-treeview.xsl) or in HTML (tree-view.xml with tree-view.css). All three are available in the working directory where you extracted the file archive for the book.
When you apply ascii-treeview.xsl to time.xml using an XSLT processor such as Xalan by using this command:
xalan time.xml ascii-treeview.xsl
it will produce the text tree view of time.xml shown in Example 3-5.
root |_ _ _comment ' a time instant ' |_ _ _element 'time' | \_ _ _attribute 'timezone' = 'PST' |_ _ _text '\n ' |_ _ _element 'hour' | |_ _ _text '11' |_ _ _text '\n ' |_ _ _element 'minute' | |_ _ _text '59' |_ _ _text '\n ' |_ _ _element 'second' | |_ _ _text '59' |_ _ _text '\n ' |_ _ _element 'meridiem' | |_ _ _text 'p.m.' |_ _ _text '\n ' |_ _ _element 'atomic' | \_ _ _attribute 'signal' = 'true' |_ _ _text '\n'
In the result, each of the nodes in time.xml has a label: root, comment, element, attribute, or text. You can even see where the whitespace text nodes are (\n).
By default, namespace nodes are not shown. You can show namespace nodes with the show_ns parameter. Parameters are values that you can pass into stylesheets or templates at run time. These values can change the outcome of a transformation.
Now we'll expose a tree view of namespace.xml. To see the namespace nodes, pass the show_ns parameter into ascii-treeview.xsl using the -p switch with Xalan, as shown here:
saxon namespace.xml ascii-treeview.xsl show_ns=yes
Figure 3-10 shows the result; notice the ns and namespace labels.
The document tree.xml contains a processing instruction and has only namespace-qualified, prefixed elements (Example 3-6).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="tree-view.xsl" type="text/xsl"?> <!-- a time instant --> <tz:time timezone="PST" xmlns:tz=""> <tz:hour>11</tz:hour> <tz:minute>59</tz:minute> <tz:second>59</tz:second> <tz:meridiem>p.m.</tz:meridiem> <tz:atomic signal="true"/> </tz:time>
The XML stylesheet PI near the top of the document refers to the tree-view.xsl stylesheet, which produces HTML using CSS (tree-view.css). To apply tree-view.xsl to tree.xml, open tree.xml in a browser that supports client-side XSLT transformations, such as IE, Mozilla, Firefox, or Netscape. Figure 3-11 shows a portion of the tree view of tree.xml in the Netscape browser. Each of the node labels uses a different background color, and namespace names are enclosed in braces. The names of elements and attributes use a white background.