Using the Book

The reader can choose a linear or a non-linear route through the book, depending on her programming background. Non-Java programmers wishing to migrate to Java can read Chapter 1, which provides a short introduction to object-oriented programming concepts, and the procedure for compiling and running Java applications. For those preparing for the SCPJ2 exam, the book has a separate appendix providing all the pertinent information on taking the exam.

The table of contents, listings of tables, examples, and figures, and a comprehensive index facilitate locating topics discussed in the book.

In particular, we draw attention to the following features of the book:

Exam and Supplementary Objectives

  • Exam objectives are stated clearly at the start of every chapter, together with any supplementary objectives.

  • The objectives are defined by Sun and are organized into major sections, detailing the curriculum for the exam.

  • The book is organized into chapters that logically follow the order of these major sections.

  • The objectives are reproduced in a separate appendix where, for each section of the syllabus, study notes are included to point the reader to topics essential for the exam.

  • We believe that the supplementary objectives are important to the ultimate goal of mastering the language.