E.2 The com.mediamania.content package

This package includes classes that model information about the media content that is sold or rented at Media Mania stores.

E.2.1 com.mediamania.content.ContentQueries

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Iterator;
 4    import java.util.Collection;
 5    import javax.jdo.*;
 7    public class ContentQueries {
 8        public static Studio getStudioByName(PersistenceManager pm,
 9                                             String studioName) {
10            Extent studioExtent = pm.getExtent(com.mediamania.content.Studio.class,
11                                               false);
12            Query query = pm.newQuery(studioExtent, "name == studioName");
13            query.declareParameters("String studioName");
14            Collection result = (Collection) query.execute(studioName);
15            Iterator iter = result.iterator(  );
16            Studio studio = (Studio) (iter.hasNext() ? iter.next(  ) : null);
17            query.close(result);
18            return studio;
19        }
20        public static MediaPerson getMediaPerson(PersistenceManager pm,
21                                                 String person) {
22            Extent personExtent = pm.getExtent(
23                           com.mediamania.content.MediaPerson.class, false);
24            Query query = pm.newQuery(personExtent, "mediaName == person");
25            query.declareParameters("String person");
26            Collection result = (Collection) query.execute(person);
27            Iterator iter = result.iterator(  );
28            MediaPerson mediaPerson =
29                (MediaPerson) (iter.hasNext() ? iter.next(  ) : null);
30            query.close(result);
31            return mediaPerson;
32        }
33    }

E.2.2 com.mediamania.content.Game

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Date;
 5    public class Game extends MediaContent {
 6        private static  String[]    allRatings = {"EC","K-A","E","T","M","AO","RP"};
 8        public Game(  ) {
 9        }
10        public Game(String title, Studio studio, Date releaseDate,
11                String rating, String reasons) {
12            super(title, studio, releaseDate, rating, reasons);
13        }
15        public boolean validRating(String rating) {
16            for (int i = 0; i < allRatings.length; ++i) {
17                if (rating.equals(allRatings[i])) return true;
18            }
19            return false;
20        }
21    }

E.2.3 com.mediamania.content.MediaContent

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Date;
 4    import java.util.Set;
 5    import java.util.HashSet;
 6    import java.util.Collections;
 7    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 8    import java.lang.StringBuffer;
10    import com.mediamania.store.MediaItem;
12    public abstract class MediaContent {
13        private static SimpleDateFormat yearFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
14        private String      title;
15        private Studio      studio;
16        private Date        releaseDate;
17        private String      rating;
18        private String      ratingReasons;
19        private Set         mediaItems; // MediaItem
21        protected MediaContent(  )
22        { }
23        public MediaContent(String title, Studio studio, Date releaseDate,
24                String rating, String reasons) {
25            this.title = title;
26            this.studio = studio;
27            this.releaseDate = releaseDate;
28            this.rating = rating;
29            ratingReasons = reasons;
30            mediaItems = new HashSet(  );
31        }
32        public String getTitle(  ) {
33            return title;
34        }
35        public Studio getStudio(  ) {
36            return studio;
37        }
38        public Date getReleaseDate(  ) {
39            return releaseDate;
40        }
41        public String getRating(  ) {
42            return rating;
43        }
44        public String getRatingReasons(  ) {
45            return ratingReasons;
46        }
47        public abstract boolean validRating(String rating);
48        public Set getMediaItems(  ) {
49            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mediaItems);
50        }
51        public void addMediaItem(MediaItem item) {
52            mediaItems.add(item);
53        }
54        public String getDescription(  ) {
55            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(  );
56            buffer.append(title);
57            buffer.append(", ");
58            buffer.append(studio.getName(  ));
59            buffer.append(", release date: ");
60            buffer.append(formatReleaseDate(  ));
61            buffer.append(", rating: ");
62            buffer.append(rating);
63            buffer.append(", reasons for rating: ");
64            buffer.append(ratingReasons);
65            return buffer.toString(  );
66        }
67        public static Date parseReleaseDate(String val) {
68            Date date = null;
69            try {
70                date = yearFmt.parse(val);
71            } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) { }
72            return date;
73        }
74        public String formatReleaseDate(  ) {
75            return yearFmt.format(releaseDate);
76        }
77    }

E.2.4 com.mediamania.content.MediaPerson

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Date;
 4    import java.util.Set;
 5    import java.util.HashSet;
 6    import java.util.Collections;
 8    public class MediaPerson {
 9        private String      mediaName;
10        private String      firstName;
11        private String      lastName;
12        private Date        birthDate;
13        private Set         actingRoles; // Role
14        private Set         moviesDirected; // Movie
16        private MediaPerson(  )
17        { }    
18        public MediaPerson(String mediaName) {
19            this.mediaName = mediaName;
20            actingRoles = new HashSet(  );
21            moviesDirected = new HashSet(  );
22        }
23        public MediaPerson(String mediaName, String firstName, String lastName,
24                           Date birthDate) {
25            this.mediaName = mediaName;
26            this.firstName = firstName;
27            this.lastName  = lastName;
28            this.birthDate = birthDate;
29            actingRoles = new HashSet(  );
30            moviesDirected = new HashSet(  );
31        }    
32        public String getName(  ) {
33            return mediaName;
34        }
35        public String getFirstName(  ) {
36            return firstName;
37        }
38        public String getLastName(  ) {
39            return lastName;
40        }
41        public Date getBirthDate(  ) {
42            return birthDate;
43        }
44        public void addRole(Role role) {
45            actingRoles.add(role);
46        }
47        public Set getRoles(  ) {
48            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(actingRoles);
49        }
50        public void addMoviesDirected(Movie movie) {
51            moviesDirected.add(movie);
52        }
53        public Set getMoviesDirected(  ) {
54            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(moviesDirected);
55        }
56    }

E.2.5 com.mediamania.content.Movie

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Date;
 4    import java.util.Set;
 5    import java.util.HashSet;
 6    import java.util.Collections;
 7    import java.lang.StringBuffer;
 9    public class Movie extends MediaContent {
10        private static  String[]    allRatings = {"G","PG","PG-13","R","NC-17"};
11        private         String      genres;
12        private         Set         cast; // Role
13        private         MediaPerson director;
14        private         int         runningTime;
15        private         String      webSite;
17        private Movie(  )
18        { }
19        public Movie(String title, Studio studio, Date releaseDate,
20                String rating, String reasons, String genres, int runningTime,
21                MediaPerson director) { 
22            super(title, studio, releaseDate, rating, reasons);
23            this.runningTime = runningTime;
24            this.genres = genres;
25            cast = new HashSet(  );
26            this.director = director;
27            if (director != null) director.addMoviesDirected(this);
28        }
29        public boolean validRating(String rating) {
30            for (int i = 0; i < allRatings.length; ++i) {
31                if (rating.equals(allRatings[i])) return true;
32            }
33            return false;
34        }
35        public MediaPerson getDirector(  )
36        {
37            return director;
38        }
39        public Set getCast(  ) {
40            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(cast);
41        }
42        public void addRole(Role r) {
43            cast.add(r);
44        }
45        public void removeRole(Role r) {
46            cast.remove(r);
47        }
48        public String getDescription(  ) {
49            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(  );
50            buffer.append("Movie: ");
51            buffer.append(super.getDescription(  ));
52            buffer.append(", genre: ");
53            buffer.append(genres);
54            buffer.append(" running time: ");
55            buffer.append(runningTime);
56            return buffer.toString(  );
57        }
58    }

E.2.6 com.mediamania.content.Role

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    public class Role {
 4        private String      name;
 5        private MediaPerson actor;
 6        private Movie       movie;
 8        private Role(  )
 9        { }
10        public Role(String name, MediaPerson actor, Movie movie) {
11            this.name = name;
12            this.actor = actor;
13            this.movie = movie;
14            actor.addRole(this);
15            movie.addRole(this);
16        }
17        public String getName(  ) {
18            return name;
19        }
20        public MediaPerson getActor(  ) {
21            return actor;
22        }
23        public Movie getMovie(  ) {
24            return movie;
25        }
26        public void setMovie(Movie theMovie) {
27            movie = theMovie;
28        }
29    }

E.2.7 com.mediamania.content.Studio.java

 1    package com.mediamania.content;
 3    import java.util.Set;
 4    import java.util.HashSet;
 5    import java.util.Collections;
 7    public class Studio {
 8        private String  name;
 9        private Set     content; // MediaContent
11        private Studio(  )
12        { }    
13        public Studio(String studioName) {
14            name = studioName;
15            content = new HashSet(  );
16        }    
17        public String getName(  ) {
18            return name;
19        }    
20        public Set getContent(  ) {
21            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(content);
22        }
23        public void addContent(MediaContent mc) {
24            content.add(mc);
25        }
26        public void removeContent(MediaContent mc) {
27            content.remove(mc);
28        }
29    }