You want to submit form values to a CGI script from your program. For example, you want to write a program that searches Amazon and notifies you when new books with a particular keyword in the title or new books by a particular author appear.
If you're submitting form values with GET, use the get method on an LWP::UserAgent object:
use LWP::Simple; use URI::URL; $url = url(""); $url->query_form("field-author" => "Larry Wall"); # more params if needed $page = get($url);
If you're using the POST method, create your own user agent and encode the content appropriately:
use LWP::UserAgent; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ); $resp = $ua->post("", { "url" => "index-books", "field-keywords" => "perl" }); $content = $resp->content;
For simple operations, the procedural interface of the LWP::Simple module is sufficient. For fancier ones, the LWP::UserAgent module provides a virtual browser object, which you manipulate using method calls.
The format of a query string is:
In GET requests, this is encoded in the URL being requested:
Fields must still be properly escaped, so setting the arg form parameter to "this isn't <EASY> & <FUN>" would yield: script.cgi?arg=%22this+isn%27t+%3CEASY%3E+%26+%3CFUN%3E%22
The query_form method called on a URL object correctly escapes the form values for you, or you could use the URI::Escape::uri_escape or CGI::escape_html functions on your own. In POST requests, the query string is in the body of the HTTP document sent to the CGI script.
You can use the LWP::Simple module to submit data in a GET request, but there is no corresponding LWP::Simple interface for POST requests. Instead, the $ua->post method creates and submits the request in one fell swoop.
If you need to go through a proxy, construct your user agent and tell it to use a proxy this way:
$ua->proxy('http' => '');
If a proxy handles multiple protocols, pass an array reference as the first argument:
$ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'] => '');
That says that HTTP and FTP requests through this user agent should be routed through the proxy on port 8081 at
The documentation for the CPAN modules LWP::Simple, LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request::Common, URI::Escape, and URI::URL; Recipe 20.1; Perl & LWP