
No book is written without some help from outside sources, and this one is no exception. In this case, we had special help: Mary Chipman did the bulk of the conversion work for the previous edition, making sure each topic worked in Access 2002, creating current screen captures, and rewriting code when necessary. We continued to rely on Mary's work for this edition. Needless to say, without Mary's help, this book would never have been completed.

In addition, we'd like to thank Helen Feddema, Mike Gunderloy, and Dan Haught for their contributions to the first edition of this book, some of which remain (though altered for Access 2002). This book also went through a second edition, for Access 95, but was never revised for Access 97 or Access 2000. We appreciate the support of John Osborn and the editorial team at O'Reilly and Associates (including our editor, David Clark) for having the faith in the book, and in Access, to allow us to revise and publish this edition. We would also like to thank those fervent readers who sent many, many emails asking about Access 97 and Access 2000 versions of the book, which were never published. You know who you are, and we hope this revision satisfies your requests!

Special thanks also go to those who contributed suggestions and read chapters in their early stages, including Joe Maki, Sue Hoegemeier, and Jim Newman.

We also wish to acknowledge all the hard-working people at Microsoft who've given us these great products. In particular, Bill Ramos, Tim Getsch, Christina Storm, and Rita Nikas were very helpful to us as we prepared this latest edition.

Jan Fransen did a terrific job creating the chapter covering data access pages?we're very grateful to Jan for this important contribution.

We'd like to thank Michael Kaplan, a technical editor on the Access 95 edition of this book, who reviewed every word and every byte on the CD for that edition with loving care. The success of this book will be, in part, due to Michael's diligence.

Finally, the authors would like to acknowledge the constant support of their families and loved ones, especially Peter, Suzanne, and Mary.