
StreamWriterCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable, marshal by reference, disposable

System.IO (mscorlib.dll)class

This class implements TextWriter and provides all its methods. If you set the AutoFlush property, every call to Write( ) or WriteLine( ) flushes the buffer.

This class is a quick way to open a file for writing. Call the constructor with a string containing the filename, and you can immediately begin writing to the file with Write( ) or WriteLine( ).

public class StreamWriter : TextWriter {
// Public Constructors
   public StreamWriter(Stream stream);
   public StreamWriter(Stream stream, System.Text.Encoding encoding);
   public StreamWriter(Stream stream, System.Text.Encoding encoding, int bufferSize);
   public StreamWriter(string path);
   public StreamWriter(string path, bool append);
   public StreamWriter(string path, bool append, System.Text.Encoding encoding);
   public StreamWriter(string path, bool append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, int bufferSize);
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly StreamWriter Null;          
// =System.IO.StreamWriter
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual bool AutoFlush{set; get; }
   public virtual Stream BaseStream{get; }
   public override Encoding Encoding{get; }           
// overrides TextWriter
// Public Instance Methods
   public override void Close( );         
// overrides TextWriter
   public override void Flush( );         
// overrides TextWriter
   public override void Write(char value);           
// overrides TextWriter
   public override void Write(char[ ] buffer);        
// overrides TextWriter
   public override void Write(char[ ] buffer, int index, int count)
// overrides TextWriter
   public override void Write(string value);         
// overrides TextWriter
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing);  
// overrides TextWriter
   protected override void Finalize( );   
// overrides object


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject TextWriter(System.IDisposable) StreamWriter

Returned By

System.Diagnostics.Process.StandardInput, File.{AppendText( ), CreateText( )}, FileInfo.{AppendText( ), CreateText( )}

    Part II: Programming with the .NET Framework
    Part IV: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 26. System