
SocketOptionNameCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Net.Sockets (system.dll)enum

This enumeration contains the names of socket options set by Socket.SetSocketOption( ). The socket option named must be applicable to the option level from SocketOptionLevel.

public enum SocketOptionName {
   IPOptions = 1,
   Debug = 1,
   NoDelay = 1,
   NoChecksum = 1,
   HeaderIncluded = 2,
   AcceptConnection = 2,
   Expedited = 2,
   BsdUrgent = 2,
   TypeOfService = 3,
   ReuseAddress = 4,
   IpTimeToLive = 4,
   KeepAlive = 8,
   MulticastInterface = 9,
   MulticastTimeToLive = 10,
   MulticastLoopback = 11,
   AddMembership = 12,
   DropMembership = 13,
   DontFragment = 14,
   AddSourceMembership = 15,
   DropSourceMembership = 16,
   DontRoute = 16,
   BlockSource = 17,
   UnblockSource = 18,
   PacketInformation = 19,
   ChecksumCoverage = 20,
   Broadcast = 32,
   UseLoopback = 64,
   Linger = 128,
   OutOfBandInline = 256,
   SendBuffer = 4097,
   ReceiveBuffer = 4098,
   SendLowWater = 4099,
   ReceiveLowWater = 4100,
   SendTimeout = 4101,
   ReceiveTimeout = 4102,
   Error = 4103,
   Type = 4104,
   MaxConnections = 2147483647,
   DontLinger = -129,
   ExclusiveAddressUse = -5


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) SocketOptionName

Passed To

Socket.{GetSocketOption( ), SetSocketOption( )}

    Part II: Programming with the .NET Framework
    Part IV: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 26. System