
XmlNodeTypeCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Xml (system.xml.dll)enum

This enumeration contains identifiers for node types. All DOM Core Level 2 types are included.

public enum XmlNodeType {
   None = 0,
   Element = 1,
   Attribute = 2,
   Text = 3,
   CDATA = 4,
   EntityReference = 5,
   Entity = 6,
   ProcessingInstruction = 7,
   Comment = 8,
   Document = 9,
   DocumentType = 10,
   DocumentFragment = 11,
   Notation = 12,
   Whitespace = 13,
   SignificantWhitespace = 14,
   EndElement = 15,
   EndEntity = 16,
   XmlDeclaration = 17


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) XmlNodeType

Returned By

XmlNode.NodeType, XmlReader.{MoveToContent( ), NodeType}

Passed To

XmlDocument.CreateNode( ), XmlTextReader.XmlTextReader( ), XmlValidatingReader.XmlValidatingReader( )

    Part II: Programming with the .NET Framework
    Part IV: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 26. System