''-7'' '''


Don't advertise 8BITMIME in LMTP mail.local command-line switch

Ordinarily, when mail is delivered using LMTP, the LMTP conversation begins like this:

220 yourhost LMTP ready             mail.local sends
>>> LHLO yourhost.your.domain       sendmail sends
250-yourhost                        mail.local sends
250-8BITMIME                        note

Here, mail.local is telling sendmail (in the fourth line) that it can correctly handle 8-bit MIME (EightBitMode) in received messages. If your site is a 7-bit only site, you should not allow mail.local to accept 8-bit MIME messages. You disallow 8-bit MIME by specifying this -7 command-line switch:

define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `mail.local -l -7')

Here, the -7 command-line switch causes mail.local to exclude -8BITMIME from the list of features it supports.

220 yourhost LMTP ready             mail.local sends
>>> LHLO yourhost.your.domain       sendmail sends
250-yourhost                        mail.local sends

    Part I: Build and Install
    Chapter 2. Build and Install sendmail
    Chapter 4. Configure sendmail.cf with m4
    Part II: Administration
    Part III: The Configuration File