Conventions Used in This Book

We use the following font and format conventions:


Used for new terms where first defined, Registry values, domain names, filenames, and commands when they appear in the body of a paragraph exactly as a user would type them (for example, run dir to list the files in a directory). Italic is also used for Windows commands when they are mentioned in passing and not as part of a command line (for example, to find more information on nslookup, a user could consult the Windows help system).


Used for menu names and for text appearing in windows and dialog boxes, such as names of fields, buttons, and menu options. For example, enter a domain name in the Server name field and then click the OK button.

Constant width

Used for method, class, and object names. Also used for excerpts from scripts or configuration files. For example, a snippet of Perl:

if ( -x "$ENV{systemroot}/system23/dns.exe"){
   print "DNS is installed!\n";

Sample interactive sessions showing command-line input and corresponding output are also shown in a constant width font, with user-supplied input in constant width bold:

C\> more %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

When a line of code is continued on a second line, we insert a bent arrow to indicate it, like this: 600 IN CNAME↵

Indicates a tip, suggestion, or general note.

Indicates a warning or caution.