First among the people I want to acknowledge is the RDF Working Group, the folks who have worked the last two-plus years to get the updated RDF specifications out on the street and into action. The listing of people is quite extensive, but I want to specifically mention a few who were particularly helpful to me while I worked on the book: Brian McBride, Pat Hayes, Dave Beckett, and Frank Manola.
This book would never have hit the streets if it weren't for the patience and good humor of the lead editor, Simon St.Laurent. During the almost year and a half this book was in development, Simon never once lost patience, though other editors might have given up on RDF as a topic.
In addition to Simon, I want to extend my appreciation to the technical editors on the book including Dorothea Salo, Dave Beckett, Uche Ogbuji, and Andy Seaborne. Less formally, I want to also extend my appreciation to those from the RDF community who were so kind as to review one or more chapters in the book for completeness and accuracy:
My apologies if I have inadvertently left someone off this list.
Finally, I want to extend my thanks and appreciation to the organizations and people responsible for the software and technologies covered in this book. These include:
Jena?Hewlett-Packard and Brian McBride, Janet Bruten, Jeremy Carroll, Steve Cayzer, Ian Dickinson, Chris Dollin, Martin Merry, Dave Reynolds, Andy Seaborne, Paul Shabajee, and Stuart Williams
Brownsauce?Hewlett-Packard and Damien Steer
IsaViz?Emmanual Pietriga
The RDF Validator?Art Barstow and Emmanual Pietriga
Intellidimension's RDF Gateway and Geoff Chappell
AmphetaDesk and Morbus Iff
Ginger Alliance PerlRDF and Petr Cimprich
RDFLib and Redfoot from Daniel "elkeon" Krech
RDFStore and Alberto Reggiori
SMORE and Aditya Kalyanpur
RDF API for PHP and Chris Bizer
Redland and Dave Beckett
C# Drive and Rahul Singh
Wilbur from Ora Lassila and Nokia
Plugged In Software's Tucana Knowledge Store and David Wood
Sidrean Software's Seamark Server and Bradley Allan
Adobe's XMP
Sesame's Arjohn Kampan
Meerkat?O'Reilly and Rael Dornfest
Ranchero Software's NetNewsWire and Brent Simmons
The Mozilla development team members
Stanford University's Knowledge Modeling Group and Protégé
The Dublin Core effort
FOAF, FOAFbot, and FOAF-O-Matic by Leigh Dobbs, Edd Dumbill, Dan Brickley, Libby Miller, rdfweb-dev, and friends
The web sites from several weblogging friends including Allan Moult, Chris Kovacs, Jonathon Delacour, Loren Webster, and Dorothea Salo
Books don't get written in a vacuum and this book is no exception. I'd like to thank some special friends for their support and encouragement during the long, long period this book was in development. This includes my best friend, Robert Porter, as well as AKM and Margaret Adam, Jonathon Delacour, Simon St.Laurent, Allan Moult, Chris Kovacks, Loren Webster, Jeneane Sessum, Chris Locke, Dorothea Salo, and others whom I met in the threaded void known as the Internet. Thanks, friends. It's finally done.