
Are there any other string functions that might be useful to me?


Yes. PHP has more than 60 string functions! You can read about them all in the PHP Manual online at http://www.php.net/manual/ref.strings.php.


Can I use multiple functions in one statement, such as making a concatenated string all uppercase?


Sure?just be mindful of your opening and closing parentheses. This example shows how to uppercase the concatenated first and last names from the master name table:

mysql> SELECT UCASE(CONCAT_WS(' ', firstname, lastname)) FROM table_name;
| UCASE(CONCAT_WS(' ', firstname, lastname)) |
| JOHN SMITH                                 |
| JANE SMITH                                 |
| JIMBO JONES                                |
| ANDY SMITH                                 |
| CHRIS JONES                                |
| ANNA BELL                                  |
| JIMMY CARR                                 |
| ALBERT SMITH                               |
| JOHN DOE                                   |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If you want to uppercase just the last name, use

mysql> SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', firstname, UCASE(lastname)) FROM master_name;
| CONCAT_WS(' ', firstname, UCASE(lastname)) |
| John SMITH                                 |
| Jane SMITH                                 |
| Jimbo JONES                                |
| Andy SMITH                                 |
| Chris JONES                                |
| Anna BELL                                  |
| Jimmy CARR                                 |
| Albert SMITH                               |
| John DOE                                   |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Part III: Getting Involved with the Code