Recipe 4.26 Exporting Objects to a CSV File

4.26.1 Problem

You want to export objects to a comma-separated variable (CSV) file. The CSV file can then be opened and manipulated from a spreadsheet application or with a text editor.

4.26.2 Solution Using a command-line interface
> csvde -f output.csv -l <AttrList> -p <Scope> -r "<Filter>" -d "<BaseDN>"

4.26.3 Discussion

Once you have a CSV file containing entries, you can use a spreadsheet application such as Excel to view, sort, and manipulate the data. Using a command-line interface

The parameters used by cvsde are nearly identical to those used by ldifde. The -f switch specifies the name of the file to use to save the entries to, -s is the DC to query, -l is the comma-separated list of attributes to include, -p is the search scope (base, onelevel, or subtree), -r is the search filter, and -d is the base DN. If you encounter any issues, the -v switch enables verbose mode and can help identify problems.

4.26.4 See Also

Recipe 4.27 for importing objects using a CSV file

    Chapter 3. Domain Controllers, Global Catalogs, and FSMOs
    Chapter 6. Users
    Appendix A. Tool List