Searching E-Mail

As you collect e-mail, you will probably need to search it. You can quickly search for messages, or you can search for specific text.

You can search for messages using the following steps:

  1. Open the mailbox in which you want to search.

  2. Click in the Search tool on the toolbar, and click the triangle next to the magnifying-glass icon. A pop-up menu will appear. You can use this menu to choose the fields you want to search (entire message is the default) and the mailboxes in which you want to search (the selected mailbox is the default).

  3. Choose the field you want to search in the upper section of the menu to search in the selected mailbox, or in the lower section to search in all mailboxes.

  4. Type the text you want to search for. As you type, the messages shown in the Message List pane will be reduced to those that meet your criteria.

You can also search for text within a specific message using the Find Panel.

  1. Choose Edit, Find, Find Text (graphics/symbol.gif+F). The Find Panel will appear (see Figure 12.22).

    Figure 12.22. You can search for text and replace it using the Find Panel.


  2. Enter the text you want to search for.

  3. Click Next to search for the text.

You can use the Replace With box in the Find Panel to replace the text you find with different text.

    Part I: Mac OS X: Exploring the Core
    Part III: Mac OS X: Living the Digital Lifestyle