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Programming Cpp
Chapter 1. Language Basics
1.1 Compilation Steps
1.2 Tokens
1.4 Character Sets
1.5 Alternative Tokens
1.6 Trigraphs
Chapter 2. Declarations
2.1 Declarations and Definitions
2.2 Scope
2.3 Name Lookup
2.4 Linkage
2.5 Type Declarations
2.6 Object Declarations
2.7 Namespaces
Chapter 3. Expressions
3.1 Lvalues and Rvalues
3.2 Type Conversions
3.3 Constant Expressions
3.4 Expression Evaluation
3.5 Expression Rules
Chapter 4. Statements
4.1 Expression Statements
4.2 Declarations
4.3 Compound Statements
4.4 Selections
4.5 Loops
4.6 Control Statements
4.7 Handling Exceptions
Chapter 5. Functions
5.1 Function Declarations
5.2 Function Definitions
5.3 Function Overloading
5.4 Operator Overloading
5.5 The main Function
Chapter 6. Classes
6.1 Class Definitions
6.2 Data Members
6.3 Member Functions
6.4 Inheritance
6.5 Access Specifiers
6.6 Friends
6.7 Nested Types
Chapter 7. Templates
7.1 Overview of Templates
7.2 Template Declarations
7.3 Function Templates
7.4 Class Templates
7.5 Specialization
7.6 Partial Specialization
7.7 Instantiation
7.8 Name Lookup
7.9 Tricks with Templates
7.10 Compiling Templates
Chapter 8. Standard Library
8.1 Overview of the Standard Library
8.2 C Library Wrappers
8.3 Wide and Multibyte Characters
8.4 Traits and Policies
8.5 Allocators
8.6 Numerics
Chapter 9. Input and Output
9.1 Introduction to I/O Streams
9.2 Text I/O
9.3 Binary I/O
9.4 Stream Buffers
9.5 Manipulators
9.6 Errors and Exceptions
Chapter 10. Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms
10.1 Containers
10.2 Iterators
10.3 Algorithms
Chapter 11. Preprocessor Reference
# operator and directive
## operator
#define directive
defined operator
#elif directive
#else directive
#endif directive
#error directive
#if directive
#ifdef directive
#ifndef directive
#include directive
#line directive
#pragma directive
#undef directive
Chapter 12. Language Reference
and operator
and_eq operator
asm definition
auto storage class
bitand operator
bitor operator
bool type
break statement
case keyword
catch keyword
char type
class keyword
compl operator
const qualifier
const_cast operator
continue statement
default keyword
delete operator
do statement
double type
dynamic_cast operator
else keyword
enum keyword
explicit specifier
export specifier
extern storage class
false literal
float type
for statement
friend specifier
goto statement
if statement
inline specifier
int type
long type
mutable specifier
namespace keyword
new operator
not operator
not_eq operator
operator keyword
or operator
or_eq operator
private access specifier
protected access specifier
public access specifier
register storage class
reinterpret_cast operator
return statement
short type
signed specifier
sizeof operator
static storage class
static_cast operator
struct keyword
switch statement
template keyword
this keyword
throw operator
true literal
try statement
typedef keyword
typeid operator
typename keyword
unsigned specifier
union keyword
using keyword
virtual specifier
void keyword
volatile qualifier
wchar_t type
while statement
xor operator
xor_eq operator
Chapter 13. Library Reference
13.1 <algorithm>
13.2 <bitset>
13.3 <cassert>
13.4 <cctype>
13.5 <cerrno>
13.6 <cfloat>
13.7 <ciso646>
13.8 <climits>
13.9 <clocale>
13.10 <cmath>
13.11 <complex>
13.12 <csetjmp>
13.13 <csignal>
13.14 <cstdarg>
13.15 <cstddef>
13.16 <cstdio>
13.17 <cstdlib>
13.18 <cstring>
13.19 <ctime>
13.20 <cwchar>
13.21 <cwctype>
13.22 <deque>
13.23 <exception>
13.24 <fstream>
13.25 <functional>
13.26 <iomanip>
13.27 <ios>
13.28 <iosfwd>
13.29 <iostream>
13.30 <istream>
13.31 <iterator>
13.32 <limits>
13.33 <list>
13.34 <locale>
13.35 <map>
13.36 <memory>
13.37 <new>
13.38 <numeric>
13.39 <ostream>
13.40 <queue>
13.41 <set>
13.42 <sstream>
13.43 <stack>
13.44 <stdexcept>
13.45 <streambuf>
13.46 <string>
13.47 <strstream>
13.48 <typeinfo>
13.49 <utility>
13.50 <valarray>
13.51 <vector>
Appendix A. Compiler Extensions
A.1 Borland C++ Builder and Kylix
A.2 GNU Compiler Collection
A.3 Microsoft Visual C++
Appendix B. Projects
B.1 Blitz++
B.2 Boost
B.3 STLport
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