8.9 Segment Large Genomic Sequences

Nucleotide sequences can be very, very long. For example, the shortest human chromosome, number 22, is over 47 million bp. BLAST wasn't designed for large sequences and runs poorly in such an environment. You can easily run out of memory with chromosome-sized sequences. Even if you have a computer with sufficient memory, searching large sequences is inefficient because the procedure for assessing combined statistical significance scales quadratically with the number of alignments.

The simplest way to deal with large sequences is to split them into overlapping fragments. For genomes with high gene density, each fragment should be 100 Kb or less. For the human genome and others with low gene density, fragments can be larger, but try not to exceed 1 Mb.

The following Perl script splits a FASTA file into overlapping fragments. Each sequence fragment is given a unique identifier, and the definition contains the original coordinates and complete definition.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
die "usage: $0 <fasta file> <size> <overlap>\n" unless @ARGV == 3;
my ($file, $size, $overlap) = @ARGV;

my $def = "";
my $dna = "";
my $sequence = 0;
my $fragment = 0;

open(IN, $file) or die;
while (<IN>) {
    if (/^>(.+)/) {
        segment(  );
        $def = $1;
        $fragment = 1;
        $dna = "";
    else {
        $dna .= $_;
    while (length($dna) > $size) {segment(  )}    
segment(  );

sub segment {
    return unless $dna;
    my $output = substr($dna, 0, $size);
    if (length($output) == $size) {
        $dna = substr($dna, $size - $overlap);
    else {
        $dna = "";
    my $start = ($fragment -1) * ($size - $overlap) + 1;
    my $end = $start + length($output) -1;
    print ">$sequence-$fragment {$start..$end} $def\n";
    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($output); $i+= 80) {
        print substr($output, $i, 80), "\n";