Appendix E.

Appendix E.

It's often useful to have both the standard report and tabular data for the same search. This program converts standard WU-BLAST or NCBI-BLAST output to the NCBI tabular format (-m 8) described in Appendix A. It supports concatenated BLAST reports and is more efficient than most full-featured BLAST parsers. can be used either on a file or in a pipe: my_blast_output > my_table_output
blastp nr query | > table_from_wu-blast

The Unix tee program can create both the standard output and a table at the same time:

blastall -p blastp -d nr -i query | tee standard | > table also has a few useful filtering options (see Table E-1). The following command displays only those with an alignment of over 50 percent identity and with a bit score greater than 20: -p 50 -b 20 blast_output

Table E-1. options




Minimum number of bits for each alignment


Maximum E-value for each alignment or alignment group


Minimum coordinate of the query sequence


Maximum coordinate of the query sequence


Minimum percent identity for each alignment

The complete program is listed next and may be downloaded as from this book's web site.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw($opt_p $opt_b $opt_e $opt_m $opt_n);
my $PERCENT = $opt_p ? $opt_p : 0;
my $BITS    = $opt_b ? $opt_b : 0;
my $EXPECT  = $opt_e ? $opt_e : 1e30;
my $START   = $opt_m ? $opt_m : 0;
my $END     = $opt_n ? $opt_n : 1e30;

my ($Query, $Sbjct);
my $HSP = "";
while (<>) {
    if    (/^Query=\s+(\S+)/) {outputHSP(  ); $Query = $1}
    elsif (/^>(\S+)/)         {outputHSP(  ); $Sbjct = $1}
    elsif (/^ Score = /) {
        outputHSP(  );
        my @stat = ($_);
        while (<>) {
            last unless /\S/;
            push @stat, $_
        my $stats = join("", @stat);
        my ($bits) = $stats =~ /(\d\S+) bits/;
        my ($expect) = $stats =~ /Expect\S* = ([\d\-\.e]+)/;
        $expect = "1$expect" if $expect = ~/^e/;
        my ($match, $total, $percent)
            = $stats =~ /Identities = (\d+)\/(\d+) \((\d+)%\)/;
        my $mismatch = $total - $match;
        $HSP = {bits => $bits, expect => $expect, mismatch => $mismatch,
            percent => $percent, q_begin => 0, q_end => 0, q_align => "",
            s_begin => 0, s_end => 0, s_align => ""};
    elsif (/^Query:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)/) {
        $HSP->{q_begin}  = $1 unless $HSP->{q_begin};
        $HSP->{q_end}    = $3;
        $HSP->{q_align} .= $2;
    elsif (/^Sbjct:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)/) {
        $HSP->{s_begin}  = $1 unless $HSP->{s_begin};
        $HSP->{s_end}    = $3;
        $HSP->{s_align} .= $2;
outputHSP(  );

sub outputHSP {
    return unless $HSP;
    return if $HSP->{percent}  < $PERCENT;
    return if $HSP->{bits}     < $BITS;
    return if $HSP->{expect}   > $EXPECT;
    return if ($HSP->{q_begin} < $START or $HSP->{q_end} < $START);
    return if ($HSP->{q_begin} > $END   or $HSP->{q_end} > $END);
    print join("\t", $Query, $Sbjct, $HSP->{percent},
        length($HSP->{q_align}), $HSP->{mismatch},
        countGaps($HSP->{q_align}) + countGaps($HSP->{s_align}),
        $HSP->{q_begin}, $HSP->{q_end}, $HSP->{s_begin}, $HSP->{s_end},
        $HSP->{expect}, $HSP->{bits}), "\n";
    $HSP = "";

sub countGaps {
    my ($string) = @_;
    my $count = 0;
    while ($string =~ /\-+/g) {$count++}
    return $count;