Appendix D.

Appendix D. creates a graphical summary of a BLAST report using Thomas Boutell's GD graphics library (, which has been ported to Perl by Lincoln Stein ( The latest versions support PNG or JPEG format, but not GIF. Depending on which GD installation you have, you may want to edit the output section in the program. Just toggle the comments from one output to another.

To use the program, the data must be in NCBI tabular format (-m 8) as described in Appendix A. Appendix E presents a program for converting standard BLAST output to tabular format. The simplest way to use is to have it read an entire BLAST report (but not concatenated BLAST reports). blast_table > blast.gif

In Figure D-1, a Takifugu rubripes genomic sequence (AY016024.1) containing an alpha globin gene cluster was used to search the nr protein database. The output of the BLASTX report was converted to tabular format with in the region of 34,000 to 35,000. -m 34000 -n 35000 report | > fugu.gif

Database matches and alignments are shown in the order they appear in the report. Only the best alignments are color-coded (the exact number is limited by the image size). Query coordinates are given above the subject coordinates for each alignment. A minus strand is indicated by a hyphen (-) at the subject end (as shown in Figure D-1). The number of alignments at each position in the query is given by the thin black lines under the query sequence. Each line in this figure represents 90 alignments. This scale changes as necessary.

Figure D-1. Selected region of a BLASTX report

The complete program is listed here and may be downloaded from asblast-imager.plfrom this book's web site.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use GD;

# Parse tabular data
my ($Q, %S, @S);
my ($MAX, $MIN, $HSPs) = (0, 1e20, 0);
while (<>) {
    my ($q, $id, $p, $l, $m, $g, $qb, $qe, $sb, $se, $e, $b) = split;
    $Q =$q;
    if ($qb > $qe) {($qb, $qe, $sb, $se) = ($qe, $qb, $se, $sb)}
    $MAX = $qe if $qe > $MAX;
    $MIN = $qb if $qb < $MIN;
    push @S, $id if not defined $S{$id};
    push @{$S{$id}}, [$qb, $qe, $sb, $se, $p];

# Setup graph
my ($L, $B, $R, $H, $F) = (150, 600, 50, 40, 20); # graph regions
my ($W, $Hsep, $Ssep) = (3, 14, 18); # line width and spacing
my $vsize = $H + $F + $Hsep * $HSPs + $Ssep * (keys %S);
$vsize = 100 if $vsize < 100;
$vsize = 600 if $vsize > 600;
my $hsize = $L + $B + $R;
my $SCALE = $B / ($MAX - $MIN + 1);
my $image = new GD::Image($hsize, $vsize);

# Colors
my @Color;
my @data = ([0,0,0], [196,0,255], [0,0,255], [0,255,255], [0,255,0], 
    [255,255,0], [255,196,0], [255,0,0], [128,128,128]);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @data; $i++) {
    $Color[$i] = $image->colorAllocate(@{$data[$i]});
my $White = $image->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $Black = $Color[0];

# Header
$image->filledRectangle(0, 0, $hsize, $vsize, $White);
$image->string(gdMediumBoldFont, 5, $H-8, substr($Q,0,18), $Black);
$image->line($L, $H, $L+$B, $H, $Black);
$image->string(gdSmallFont, $L, $H-20, $MIN, $Black);
$image->string(gdSmallFont, $L+$B, $H-20, $MAX, $Black);

# Percent identity key
$image->string(gdSmallFont, 670, 5, "% Identity", $Black);
for (my $i = 20; $i <= 100; $i += 10) {
    my $x = $L+$B/2 + $i*2;
    $image->filledRectangle($x, 5, $x+10, 15, colormap($i));
    $image->string(gdTinyFont, $x, 17, $i, $Black);

# Alignments
my @Depth;
my $v = 0;
foreach my $id (@S) {
    $v += $Ssep;
    $image->string(gdSmallFont, 10, $H+$v+9, substr($id,0,18), $Black);
    foreach my $hsp (@{$S{$id}}) {
        $v += $Hsep;
        my ($qb, $qe, $sb, $se, $pct) = @$hsp;
        my $strand = $sb < $se ? '+' : '-';
        my ($x1, $x2, $y) = (scale($qb), scale($qe), $H+$v);
        foreach my $x ($x1..$x2) {$Depth[$x]++}
        my $c = colormap($pct);
        $image->filledRectangle($x1, $y, $x2, $y+$W, $c);       
        $image->string(gdTinyFont, $x1 -(5*length($qb)), $y-5, $qb, $Black);
        $image->string(gdTinyFont, $x2+2, $y-5, $qe, $Black);
        $image->string(gdTinyFont, $x1 -(5*length($sb)), $y+2, $sb, $Black);
        $image->string(gdTinyFont, $x2+2, $y+2, "$se $strand", $Black);

# Alignment depth
my $MaxDepth = 0;
foreach my $d (@Depth) {$MaxDepth = $d if defined $d and $d > $MaxDepth}
my $Dscale = int($MaxDepth/10) +1;
$image->string(gdTinyFont, $L+$B+2, $H+2, "$Dscale/line", $Black);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @Depth; $i++) {
    next unless defined $Depth[$i];
    my $level = $Depth[$i]/$Dscale +1;
    for (my $j = 0; $j < $level; $j++) {
        $image->line($i, $H+$j*2, $i, $H+$j*2, $Black);

# Output (edit this for your installation/taste)
print $image->png;
# print $image->jpg;
# print $image->gif;

sub colormap {
    my ($value) = @_;
    my $n = ($value >= 100) ? 0: int((109 - $value) / 10);
    return defined $Color[$n] ? $Color[$n] : $Color[@Color-1];

sub scale {
    my ($x) = @_;
    my $scale = ($x - $MIN) * $SCALE + $L;
    return $scale;