NetServices Object

The NetServices object is used to transfer complex or simple ActionScript objects using Flash Remoting MX and the Action Message Format (AMF) over HTTP or HTTPS. NetServices are available for both the Flash Communication Server and the Flash player. The object can be used to call methods on an application server that is supported by Flash Remoting MX and that can return a database RecordSet or call to action other servers, such as a mail server. The server-side and client-side NetService objects are identical. On both platforms, you must manually load the RecordSet Libraries to use them.

On the server, the NetServices class is loaded automatically with the command:


On the client, the NetServices class is loaded automatically with the command:

#include "" 

NetServices Methods


Creates a NetServices object containing a connection to a Flash Remoting MX server. The connection is not maintained and is invoked each time a service function is invoked.

URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that references the Flash Remoting MX-enabled application server. This URI uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.


Sets the default URI of the Flash Remoting MX-enabled Application Server.

URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that references the Flash Remoting MX-enabled application server. This URI uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

    Part I: 10 Quick Steps for Getting Started