Checklist for Creating a New Application

When you create a new application, follow this simple checklist:

  1. Create an Application folder within the flashcom/applications folder on the Flash Communication Server.

  2. Create a main.asc file in the root of your new application folder.

  3. Add the following code to the main.asc file only if you are using the Flash UI components:

  4. Add the following code to the main.asc file only if you are using the Flash Remoting MX or the RecordSet object:

  5. If you are streaming video, create a folder called streams in your application folder.

  6. Copy any Flash video assets (FLV files) to a folder using the same name as the application instance. (If you do not specify an application instance, place your video in the default instance, which is _definst.)

  7. Create a new Flash movie within Flash MX.

  8. Save the movie in a folder accessible by the web server or accessible by multiple computers.

These steps will help you quickly get started with your Flash Communication Server applications. The next series of samples will help you with specific tasks. Remember, each code sample is available on the book's web site (

    Part I: 10 Quick Steps for Getting Started