
In this chapter we looked into the mindset behind security systems design, as well as into the minds of computer attackers and legitimate researchers. Seeing how security gurus think and work is interesting?you don't have to become a guru to install and run a secure system. Home users need basic policy skills to run the network and basic protocol skills to make an informed purchasing choice. Managers of large networks need complex policy arrangements and can benefit from a detailed understanding of the protocols, particularly for problem diagnosis and interfacing to other systems.

The whole field of security related to computing network is huge. We have set the scene in this chapter by looking at the basic assumptions underlying security. The next chapter considers how these apply to wireless and, in particular, Wi-Fi networks. If you wish to study the more general aspects of computer security, these books provide comprehensive general coverage: Bishop (2002) and Pfleeger et al. (2002).

    Part II: The Design of Wi-Fi Security