Extended Access Lists

Extended Access Lists

Extended access lists provide a higher level of traffic control by being able to filter packets based on the protocol, source and/or destination IP address, and source and/or destination port number. For example, an extended access list can block an address (or group of addresses) in a particular network from accessing the FTP services on a specific server, while still allowing other services.

Creating an Extended Access List

As with standard lists, the access-list command is used to create each condition of the list—one condition per line. The lines are processed sequentially and can’t be edited or reordered once in place without the use of a tool like Notepad. The protocol being filtered determines the exact syntax options, but the basic syntax for IOS version 12.x includes the following items.

access-list acl# {permit | deny} {protocol | protocol-keyword}{source wildcard | any}
[operator source-port] {destination wildcard | any} [operator destination-port]
[precedence precedence] [tos tos] [log | log-input] [options]


A number (100–199 or 2,000–2,699) that identifies all statements in the list.

permit | deny

The choice between does the packet pass through or not, or does it live or die.


The name or number of an IP protocol. It can be one of the keywords eigrp, gre, icmp, igmp, igrp, ip, ipinip, nos, ospf, pim, tcp, or udp, or a number (0 to 255) representing an IP protocol number. Keyword ip includes ICMP, TCP, and UDP. Some protocols allow further qualifiers.

source | any

The choice between selected host(s) or keyword ANY includes all hosts.

destination | any

The choice between selected host(s) or keyword ANY includes all hosts.


A wildcard mask identifying a host, subnet, network, or supernet. The keyword host with the source or destination is the same as address (example host is the same as


Compares source or destination ports, include eq (equal to), lt (less than), gt (greater than), neq (not equal to), and range (inclusive range—requires two port numbers).

source-port destination-port

Number (0–65,535) or name of a TCP or UDP port. Used with TCP or UDP filters.

precedence precedence

Packets can be filtered by precedence level, as specified by a number from 0 to 7 or by name.

tos tos

Packets can be filtered by type of service level, as specified by a number from 0 to 15 or by name.

log | log-input

Logs matches against this entry. Log-input logs match against this entry, including input interface.

Any keywords or components covered in standard access lists are the same, except the Log option now reports relative protocol, source/destination addresses, and source/destination ports. Extended ACLs are applied to interfaces exactly the same as standard ACLs except that, whenever possible, they’re placed as close to the source as possible. Placing them close to the source conserves resources by not processing the packet through the network only to kill it off. Some router processes that use ACLs might only use standard, extended, or even named lists.

With extended access lists, every condition listed in the access list statement must match for the statement to match and the permit or deny condition to be applied. As soon as one condition fails, that statement is skipped and the next statement in the access list is compared. If all statements fail to match in their entirety, the packet is then discarded. Remember, once an ACL is applied, the default becomes to deny anything that isn’t explicitly permitted. Figure A-3 shows how each line of an extended access list is processed.

Click To expand
Figure A-3: Extended access list processing steps

Far too many options exist to remember for filtering with extended access lists, but using the question mark (?) help feature displays all the possibilities. The next sections cover the most common ones.

TCP Access Lists

TCP access lists support both source and destination TCP ports, which can be specified using either the port number or mnemonic. Port numbers or name must be preceded with relational operators, such as those shown in the following code output:

 Rtr1(config)#access-list 101 deny tcp host ?
 ?eq ??????Match only packets on a given port number
 ?gt ??????Match only packets with a greater port number
 ?lt ??????Match only packets with a lower port number
 ?neq ?????Match only packets not on a given port number
 ?range ???Match only packets in the range of port numbers

After choosing an operator, specify a mnemonic or port number like those shown in the following code output for the TCP port names. The port number appears in parentheses. Because the mnemonics make the access list easier to understand for anyone who might need to support the device later, it’s a good idea to use them when they’re available.

 Rtr1(config)#access-list 101 deny tcp host eq ?
 ?<0-65535> ???Port number
 ?bgp ?????????Border Gateway Protocol (179)
 ?chargen ?????Character generator (19)
 ?cmd ?????????Remote commands (rcmd, 514)
 ?daytime ?????Daytime (13)
 ?discard ?????Discard (9)
 ?domain ??????Domain Name Service (53)
 ?echo ????????Echo (7)
 ?exec ????????Exec (rsh, 512)
 ?finger ??????Finger (79)
 ?ftp ?????????File Transfer Protocol (21)
 ?ftp-data ????FTP data connections (used infrequently, 20)
 ?gopher ??????Gopher (70)
 ?hostname ????NIC hostname server (101)
 ?ident ???????Ident Protocol (113)
 ?irc ?????????Internet Relay Chat (194)
 ?klogin ??????Kerberos login (543)
 ?kshell ??????Kerberos shell (544)
 ?login ???????Login (rlogin, 513)
 ?lpd ?????????Printer service (515)
 ?nntp ????????Network News Transport Protocol (119)
 ?pim-auto-rp ?PIM Auto-RP (496)
 ?pop2 ????????Post Office Protocol v2 (109)
 ?pop3 ????????Post Office Protocol v3 (110)
 ?smtp ????????Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25)
 ?sunrpc ??????Sun Remote Procedure Call (111)
 ?syslog ??????Syslog (514)
 ?tacacs ??????TAC Access Control System (49)
 ?talk ????????Talk (517)
 ?telnet ??????Telnet (23)
 ?time ????????Time (37)
 ?uucp ????????Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540)
 ?whois ???????Nicname (43)
 ?www ?????????World Wide Web (HTTP, 80)

In the following extended ACL example, the first statement blocks network hosts in from accessing the web servers in The second statement blocks the same hosts from accessing any FTP servers. The third statement blocks an address from using the Telnet feature to reach the network:

 access-list 101 deny tcp eq www
access-list 101 deny tcp any eq ftp
access-list 101 deny tcp any any eq telnet
access-list 101 permit ip any any

The last statement demonstrates an important concept. Recall that any access list changes the default operation from a Permit Anything mode to a Deny Anything mode, except what is explicitly allowed. Implicit in the previous lines is that all protocols are denied, not only TCP. If the final statement were access-list 101 permit tcp any any, all remaining TCP ports would, in fact, be permitted, but all UDP and ICMP packets would remain blocked. While this might be the objective, this is a common mistake with people new to ACLs or those in a hurry.

TCP’s Established Option

The Established option is a TCP-only feature that can use the connection-oriented attributes of the TCP to limit traffic coming into a network or network segment to those sessions that originated from within that network. The established condition is only true if the ACK (acknowledge) or RST (Reset) bits are set to one in the TCP header, indicating an already established connection. A packet with no ACK or RST bit set, but a SYN (synchronize) bit set to one is used to establish a new connection and can then be denied. Figure A-4 demonstrates the three-step “handshake” TCP uses to establish a connection.

Click To expand
Figure A-4: TCP three-way handshake to establish a session

The following output demonstrates allowing any host to respond to FTP and Telnet requests that originated within the network, but blocks all other TCP packets.

 access-list 101 permit tcp any eq www eq ftp established
access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq telnet established
access-list 101 deny ??tcp any any
access-list 101 permit ip ?any any

The Established option can help reduce the risk of a common type of hacker attack that buries a host in SYN requests, preventing it from handling normal business. Because a sophisticated hacker can manipulate the TCP header bits, this tool needs support from other tools to protect against that threat.

Look over the following ACL statement using the established option. This is a common first effort when trying to limit Web activity to those sessions originating within the network. So what’s wrong with the statement?

 access-list 101 permit tcp any eq www established

Remember, www is an alias for port 80. A web session originating inside would use port 80 as the destination, but would designate a port above 1024, such as 1065, as the source port. This means the returning packet would have port 80 as the source and port 1065 as the destination. The ACL is looking for port 80 as the destination. The following output might work better:

 access-list 101 permit tcp any eq www established

When you work with the established feature, it’s important to make sure you understand what the mnemonic stands for and, if you use the port numbers, what any port numbers stand for. Another approach, which allows any established sessions, but blocks all other TCP traffic, is represented in the following code lines:

 access-list 101 permit tcp any established
access-list 101 deny ??tcp any any

Source-port filtering, the process of filtering data on the source port of a packet, isn’t secure because a skilled hacker could easily change a source port on a packet, which could then pass through the filter.

UDP Access Lists

The UDP access list, like TCP, supports both source and destination ports, and, like TCP, uses the same relational operators to define the mnemonic or port numbers. The following code output shows some of the most common UDP port names:

 Rtr1(config)#access-list 101 permit udp any eq ?
 ?<0-65535> ???Port number
 ?biff ????????Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512)
 ?bootpc ??????Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68)
 ?bootps ??????Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67)
 ?discard ?????Discard (9)
 ?dnsix ???????DNSIX security protocol auditing (195)
 ?domain ??????Domain Name Service (DNS, 53)
 ?echo ????????Echo (7)
 ?  isakmp ??????Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500)
 ?mobile-ip ???Mobile IP registration (434)
 ?nameserver ??IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42)
 ?netbios-dgm ?NetBios datagram service (138)
 ?netbios-ns ??NetBios name service (137)
 ?netbios-ss ??NetBios session service (139)
 ?ntp ?????????Network Time Protocol (123)
 ?pim-auto-rp ?PIM Auto-RP (496)
 ?rip ?????????Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520)
 ?snmp ????????Simple Network Management Protocol (161)
 ?snmptrap ????SNMP Traps (162)
 ?sunrpc ??????Sun Remote Procedure Call (111)
 ?syslog ??????System Logger (514)
 ?tacacs ??????TAC Access Control System (49)
 ?talk ????????Talk (517)
 ?tftp ????????Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69)
 ?time ????????Time (37)
 ?who ?????????Who service (rwho, 513)
 ?xdmcp ???????X Display Manager Control Protocol (177)

In the following extended ACL example, the first statement blocks network hosts in from sending SNMP packets into the network. The second statement blocks the same hosts from accessing any TFTP servers. The third statement blocks any RIP routing updates from going to the network.

 access-list 101 deny udp eq snmp
access-list 101 deny udp any eq tftp
access-list 101 deny udp any any eq rip
access-list 101 permit ip any any

The final statement permits the remaining UDP packets, plus all TCP and ICMP packets.

ICMP Access Lists

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol—RFC 792) access list syntax doesn’t use port numbers, but adds options to allow filtering on ICMP messages. The actual syntax for filtering UDP is as follows:

access-list acl# {permit | deny} icmp {source wildcard | any} {destination wildcard |
any} [icmp-type | [[icmp-type icmp-code] | [icmp-message]] [precedence precedence]
[tos tos] [log | log-input] [options]


An ICMP message type is a number between 0 and 255.


An ICMP message code is a number between 0 and 255.


ICMP packets can be filtered by an ICMP message type name or by an ICMP message type and code name.

The following code includes the symbolic names (since IOS v 10.3) that can be used to filter ICMP traffic:

 Rtr1(config)#access-list 101 permit icmp any any ?
 ?<0-255> ?????????????????????ICMP message type
 ?administratively-prohibited ?Administratively prohibited
 ?alternate-address ???????????Alternate address
 ?conversion-error ????????????Datagram conversion
 ?dod-host-prohibited ?????????Host prohibited
 ?dod-net-prohibited ??????????Net prohibited
 ?echo ????????????????????????Echo (ping)
 ?echo-reply ??????????????????Echo reply
 ?general-parameter-problem ???Parameter problem
 ?host-isolated ???????????????Host isolated
 ?host-precedence-unreachable ?Host unreachable for precedence
 ?host-redirect ???????????????Host redirect
 ?host-tos-redirect ???????????Host redirect for TOS
 ?host-tos-unreachable ????????Host unreachable for TOS
 ?host-unknown ????????????????Host unknown
 ?host-unreachable ????????????Host unreachable
 ?information-reply ???????????Information replies
 ?information-request ?????????Information requests
 ?log ?????????????????????????Log matches against this entry
 ?log-input ???????????????????Log matches against this entry, 
 ??????????????????????????????including input interface
 ?mask-reply ??????????????????Mask replies
 ?mask-request ????????????????Mask requests
 ?mobile-redirect ?????????????Mobile host redirect
 ?net-redirect ????????????????Network redirect
 ?net-tos-redirect ????????????Net redirect for TOS
 ?net-tos-unreachable ?????????Network unreachable for TOS
 ?net-unreachable ?????????????Net unreachable
 ?network-unknown ?????????????Network unknown
 ?no-room-for-option ??????????Parameter required but no room
 ?option-missing ??????????????Parameter required but not present
 ?packet-too-big ??????????????Fragmentation needed and DF set
 ?parameter-problem ???????????All parameter problems
 ?port-unreachable ????????????Port unreachable
 ?precedence ??????????????????Match packets with given precedence value
 ?precedence-unreachable ??????Precedence cutoff
 ?protocol-unreachable ????????Protocol unreachable
 ?reassembly-timeout ??????????Reassembly timeout
 ?redirect ????????????????????All redirects
 ?router-advertisement ????????Router discovery advertisements
 ?router-solicitation ?????????Router discovery solicitations
 ?source-quench ???????????????Source quenches
 ?source-route-failed ?????????Source route failed
 ?time-exceeded ???????????????All time exceededs
 ?timestamp-reply ?????????????Timestamp replies
 ?timestamp-request ???????????Timestamp requests
 ?tos ?????????????????????????Match packets with given TOS value
 ?traceroute ??????????????????Traceroute
 ?ttl-exceeded ????????????????TTL exceeded
 ?unreachable ?????????????????All unreachables

RFC 1812 dictates that traffic denied by filtering (ACL) will cause an ICMP Administratively Prohibited message to be sent to the sender, using the sender’s address as destination and the filtering router interface address as source. While this might be informative to the sender, it might not be a good security practice for the network protected by the router. Not sending this message back to external users might be better because of the implication that something is worth protecting or hacking—depending on your point of view. One solution would be to deny ICMP Administratively Prohibited messages outbound at the external interface.

In the following extended ACL example, if the ACL is applied to the outbound traffic on a border router, the first statement blocks any echo replies out of the network. The statement literally prevents ping responses, denying the sender connectivity information about the address. If you ping www.Microsoft.com, you can see this policy in effect. The second statement blocks ICMP Administratively Prohibited messages from notifying the sender that an ACL discarded their packets.

 access-list 101 deny icmp any any echo-reply
access-list 101 deny icmp any any administratively-prohibited
access-list 101 permit ip any any

The final statement permits the remaining ICMP packets, plus all TCP and UDP packets.

Part III: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)