Using PDM to Configure the PIX Firewall

Using PDM to Configure the PIX Firewall

The Startup Wizard provides basic configuration, but many more advanced features and services can be configured by working on the PDM tabbed pages and using the menus. To a great extent, exploration and experimentation are the best way to learn how to use the tool.

A simple example involves configuring Telnet access to the inside interface. Figure 22-6 shows the System Properties tab with Administration | Telnet selected on the Explorer-like left-side panel. Initially, no entry existed, but the Add button and a pop-up window prompted for the entries you see, and they provided an opportunity to set the idle timer.

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Figure 22-6: Configuring Telnet access using PDM

Notice the other Administration features that can be configured with similar pages. Features like AAA, IDS, fixup protocols, and URL filtering can all be easily configured using basic graphical interface concepts.

Another example involves configuring Logging and the use of a Syslog Server. Figure 22-7 shows the System Properties tab with Logging | Syslog selected on the Explorer-like left-side panel. Initially, no entry existed, but the Add button and a pop-up window prompted for the entries you see and provided an opportunity to set the packet type (UDP/TCP). A pop-up notice even appears because additional configuration must be done (enable logging) to complete this request. PDM will take care of this, but it asks your permission first. Notice you can now see the other features that can be configured with similar pages.

Click To expand
Figure 22-7: Configuring a Syslog Server with PDM

Part III: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)