D.2 Assembly Registration Utility (gacutil.exe)

You can use gacutil.exe to install and uninstall an assembly, as well as to list the content of the GAC. Table D-2 shows some of the common uses of the Assembly Registration Utility.

Table D-2. Assembly Registration Utility common uses




To list the content of the GAC.


To list the content of the downloaded files cache.


To clear the content of the downloaded file cache.

/i filename

To install an assembly with file named filename into the GAC.

/u assemblyname

To uninstall an assembly from the GAC by specifying the assembly name. If multiple versions of the same assembly exist, all of them will be removed unless a version is specified with the assemblyname (i.e., gac -u myAssembly,ver=

/h or /help or /?

To display command syntax and options.