22.1 The Interface Methods and Properties

Rather than describe the various methods and properties as we've done with the earlier interfaces, we'll concentrate on how to use those methods and properties in scripts. You can find complete descriptions of the interface methods and properties we cover in the MSDN Library or Platform SDK. To access the descriptions on the MSDN web site (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/), navigate to Networking and Directory Services Active Directory, ADSI and Directory Services SDK Documentation Directory Services Active Directory Service Interfaces Active Directory Service Interfaces Reference ADSI Interfaces. From this point, you can navigate to:

Core Interfaces

IADs, IADsContainer, IADsNamespaces, and IADsOpenDSObject

Persistent Object Interfaces

IADsCollection, IADsFileShare, IADsService, IADsPrintJob, and IADsPrintQueue

Dynamic Object Interfaces

IADsServiceOperations, IADsComputerOperations, IADsFileServiceOperations, IADsResource, IADsSession, IADsPrintJobOperations, and IADsPrintQueueOperations

Utility Interfaces

IADsADSystemInfo, IADsDeleteOps, IADsNameTranslate, IADsObjectOptions, IADsPathname, and IADsWinNTSystemInfo

The ADSI documentation, however, leaves out three important quirks of the IADsSession and IADsResource interfaces. First, the WinNT provider doesn't currently support the IADsSession::UserPath, IADsSession::ComputerPath, and IADsResource::UserPath property methods. Second, although the documentation states that the IADsSession::ConnectTime and IADsSession::IdleTime property methods return results in minutes, they actually return results in seconds. Finally, the IADsSession::Computer property method returns NetBIOS names for Windows NT and Windows 9x clients but returns TCP/IP addresses for Windows 2000 and later clients.

    Part II: Designing an Active Directory Infrastructure
    Part III: Scripting Active Directory with ADSI, ADO, and WMI