In this lesson you learn how to use the Automated System Recovery Wizard, which helps you back up your system partition so that you can restore it in case it is lost or damaged because of some type of disaster.
The Backup Utility provides access to the Automated System Recovery Wizard. To access the Automated System Recovery Wizard, click Start, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Backup. In the Welcome To The Backup Or Restore Wizard page, click Advanced Mode. The Automated System Recovery Wizard is one of the three wizards provided by the Backup Utility (see Figure 16.7).
The Automated System Recovery Wizard creates a floppy disk, which contains your system settings, and a backup of your local system partition on tape or as a file located on a network server.
To back up your system partition, do the following:
The Backup Utility displays the Welcome To The Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard page.
The Automated System Recovery Wizard begins and displays the Backup Destination page (see Figure 16.8). The options on the Backup Destination page are explained in Table 16.4.
Table 16.4??Backup Destination
The Automated System Recovery Wizard verifies the information you entered and displays the Completing The Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard page.
The Automated System Recovery Wizard makes a backup of your system files. This could take an hour or more.
If you need to restore your system partition, you can use the floppy disk created by the Automated System Recovery Wizard. The backup of your local system partition on tape or as a file must be available to be restored. You would then use the Backup or Restore Wizard to restore your data and applications.
The following questions will help you determine whether you have learned enough to move on to the next lesson. If you have difficulty answering these questions, review the material in this lesson before beginning the next chapter. The answers for these questions are in Appendix A, "Questions and Answers."