Hack 50 Speed Up the Listing Process


If you have more than two or three items to list in Marketplace, you'll want to speed up the process of listing them for sale.

The standard process for listing an item for sale in Amazon's Marketplace [Hack #49] involves a number of steps. Here are a few ways you can speed your listings along.

50.1 Jump Directly to the Listing Page

Scott Windsor at Amazon notes that you can skip the process of searching for the item and clicking the "Sell Yours Here" button if you know a product's ASIN [Hack #1]. Just add the ASIN to this URL:

http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/sdp/sai-condition/insert ASIN

You can use this same URL with a product's UPC code. The UPC (or bar code) is usually found on the back of a product. Underneath the series of lines you'll find a series of numbers. To jump to listing the product, just add all of the numbers without spaces, dashes, or any other characters to the end of the URL:

http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/sdp/sai-condition/insert UPC code

So, for example, the following two URLs will directly start the sales process for Google Hacks. Via ASIN:


Or via UPC:


50.2 Set Your Zip Code

If you'd rather not type in your zip code every time you list an item, you can set Amazon to remember it via your Seller Account page. To get there, click "Your Account" from the top of any page, then "Your Seller Account"; or you can browse to the page directly (http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/subst/your-account/manage-your-seller-account.html). From there, click "Edit your seller preferences." Skip the rest of the settings on this page and zero in on "ZIP or Postal Code from which your item will be shipped." Click "Preview" and then "Submit." The zip code will then be filled in each time you list an item.