Microsoft Visual C# .NET provides a rich environment for developing object-oriented applications and components using the C# programming language. Visual C# .NET leverages the Microsoft .NET Framework to provide a rich set of built-in types that you can use when building your own classes. A subset of these types can be used for interacting with other .NET languages. The .NET Framework also provides an extensive class library that you can use and extend with Visual C# .NET.
The basic types that you can create in C# include the following:
Classes Define new types and methods for interacting with those types
Exceptions Describe errors that occur in your classes
Interfaces Group related methods together
Structures Aggregate other types into a new type
Enumerations Define a range of named values for a type
Each of these basic types is similar to types available in other languages. In many cases, C# includes additional features that make these language constructions more useful to the component or application developer.