

System.Web.Security (system.web.dll)sealed class

This class wraps the information in the Forms authentication cookie. This information includes the expiration and issue date (Expiration and IssueDate), the username (Name), and an application-defined string that can be stored in the cookie (UserData). An instance of this class is provided through the FormsIdentity.Ticket property.

public sealed class FormsAuthenticationTicket {
// Public Constructors
   public FormsAuthenticationTicket(int version, string name, DateTime issueDate, DateTime expiration, 
       bool isPersistent, string userData);
   public FormsAuthenticationTicket(int version, string name, DateTime issueDate, DateTime expiration, 
       bool isPersistent, string userData, string cookiePath);
   public FormsAuthenticationTicket(string name, bool isPersistent, int timeout);
// Public Instance Properties
   public string CookiePath{get; }
   public DateTime Expiration{get; }
   public bool Expired{get; }
   public bool IsPersistent{get; }
   public DateTime IssueDate{get; }
   public string Name{get; }
   public string UserData{get; }
   public int Version{get; }

Returned By

FormsAuthentication.{Decrypt( ), RenewTicketIfOld( )}, FormsIdentity.Ticket

Passed To

FormsAuthentication.{Encrypt( ), RenewTicketIfOld( )}, FormsIdentity.FormsIdentity( )

    Part I: Introduction to ASP.NET
    Part III: Namespace Reference
    Chapter 40. The System.Web.UI.MobileControls Namespace
    Chapter 42. The System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace