

System.Web.Services.Configuration (system.web.services.dll)sealed class

This attribute is applied to the declaraction of a custom System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension class. It specifes that the format extension runs at one or more extension points. The constructors specify the name of the XML element that will be added to the WSDL document by the service description format extension (elementName) and the XML namespace for this element (ns). Depending on the constructor you use, you can supply up to four points where the format extension should run (extensionPoint)

public sealed class XmlFormatExtensionAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute( );
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute(string elementName, string ns, Type extensionPoint1);
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute(string elementName, string ns, Type[ ] extensionPoints);
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute(string elementName, string ns, Type extensionPoint1, Type extensionPoint2);
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute(string elementName, string ns, Type extensionPoint1, Type extensionPoint2, 
         Type extensionPoint3);
   public XmlFormatExtensionAttribute(string elementName, string ns, Type extensionPoint1, Type extensionPoint2, 
         Type extensionPoint3, Type extensionPoint4);
// Public Instance Properties
   public string ElementName{set; get; }
   public Type[ ] ExtensionPoints{set; get; }
   public string Namespace{set; get; }


System.Object System.Attribute XmlFormatExtensionAttribute

Valid On


    Part I: Introduction to ASP.NET
    Part III: Namespace Reference
    Chapter 40. The System.Web.UI.MobileControls Namespace
    Chapter 42. The System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace