ITemplateEditingFrame | disposable |
System.Web.UI.Design ( | interface |
This interface is implemented by
It allows them to support in-place editing of a control template at
design time. The properties of this interface represent the
characteristics of the template editing area (like
InitialHeight, InitialWidth,
and ControlStyle). The methods are used to manage
the template editing area (like Save( ) and
Resize( )).
Note that a System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid
control uses templates (and hence template editing) only if you have
added a System.Web.UI.WebControls.TemplateColumn.
public interface ITemplateEditingFrame : IDisposable {
// Public Instance Properties
public Style ControlStyle{get; }
public int InitialHeight{set; get; }
public int InitialWidth{set; get; }
public string Name{get; }
public string[ ] TemplateNames{get; }
public Style[ ] TemplateStyles{get; }
public TemplateEditingVerb Verb{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void Close(bool saveChanges);
public void Open( );
public void Resize(int width, int height);
public void Save( );
public void UpdateControlName(string newName);
Returned By
ITemplateEditingService.CreateFrame( ),
CreateTemplateEditingFrame( )},
TemplateEditingService.CreateFrame( )
Passed To
TemplatedControlDesigner.{EnterTemplateMode( ),
GetTemplateContent( ),
SetTemplateContent( )}