This class represents a single day in the Calendar
control. You can use this class in the
Calendar.DayRender event to programmatically
configure specific dates. The Calendar.DayRender
event fires once for each day in the Calendar, and
it provides the CalendarDay object for that day.
At this point, you can modify its properties.
For example, you can compare dates against valid date ranges stored
in a database and set the IsSelectable property to
False for all dates that you
don't want the user to be able to select. Or you
could examine the IsOtherMonth property to verify
that the day is in the currently displayed month and the
IsWeekend property to confirm that the day is on a
weekend, and then change the background color of the containing cell
to highlight it. Note, however, that the background color is not a
property of the CalendarDay object. Instead, it is
a property of the TableCell object that is also
provided to you in the event through the
DayRenderEventArgs class. For more information,
refer to the DayRenderEventArgs object.
public class CalendarDay {
// Public Constructors
public CalendarDay(DateTime date, bool isWeekend, bool isToday, bool isSelected, bool isOtherMonth,
string dayNumberText);
// Public Instance Properties
public DateTime Date{get; }
public string DayNumberText{get; }
public bool IsOtherMonth{get; }
public bool IsSelectable{set; get; }
public bool IsSelected{get; }
public bool IsToday{get; }
public bool IsWeekend{get; }