
WmlMobileTextWriter.NET 1.1, marshal by reference, disposable

System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters (system.web.mobile.dll)class

Device adapters that render WML use the WmlMobileTextWriter to write their output. The WmlMobileTextWriter instance is provided in adapter methods like Render( ).

public class WmlMobileTextWriter : MobileTextWriter {
// Public Constructors
   public WmlMobileTextWriter(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities device, 
        System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage page);
// Public Instance Properties
   public bool AnalyzeMode{set; get; }
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected Form CurrentForm{get; }
   protected virtual WmlFormat DefaultFormat{get; }
   protected virtual WmlLayout DefaultLayout{get; }
   protected int NumberOfSoftkeys{get; }
   protected MobilePage Page{get; }
   protected bool PendingBreak{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddFormVariable(string clientID, string value, bool generateRandomID);
   public virtual void BeginCustomMarkup( );
   public virtual void BeginForm(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form form);
   public virtual void EndCustomMarkup( );
   public virtual void EndForm( );
   public override void EnterFormat(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style); // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public override void EnterLayout(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style); // overrides MobileTextWriter 
   public override void ExitFormat(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style);    // overrides MobileTextWriter 
   public override void ExitLayout(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style, bool breakAfter);
              // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public virtual bool IsValidSoftkeyLabel(string label);
   public virtual void RenderBeginHyperlink(string targetUrl, bool encodeUrl, string softkeyLabel, 
        bool implicitSoftkeyLabel, bool mapToSoftkey);
   public virtual void RenderBeginPostBack(string softkeyLabel, bool implicitSoftkeyLabel, bool mapToSoftkey);
   public virtual void RenderBeginSelect(string name, string iname, string ivalue, string title, bool multiSelect);
   public virtual void RenderEndHyperlink(bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderEndPostBack(string target, string argument, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        bool includeVariables, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderEndSelect(bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderExtraCards( );
   public virtual void RenderGoAction(string target, string argument, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        bool includeVariables);
   public virtual void RenderImage(string source, string localSource, string alternateText, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderSelectOption(string text);
   public virtual void RenderSelectOption(string text, string value);
   public void RenderText(string text);
   public void RenderText(string text, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderText(string text, bool breakAfter, bool encodeText);
   public virtual void RenderTextBox(string id, string value, string format, string title, bool password, int size, 
        int maxLength, bool generateRandomID, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void ResetFormattingState( );
   public override void WriteAttribute(string attribute, string value, bool encode);
              // overrides System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter 
   public override void WriteEncodedText(string text);          // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public override void WriteEncodedUrl(string url);            // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public void WritePostField(string name, string value);
   public void WritePostField(string name, string value, WmlPostFieldType type);
   public void WritePostFieldVariable(string name, string arg);
   public void WriteText(string text, bool encodeText);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual void AnalyzePostBack(bool includeVariables, WmlPostFieldType postBackType);
   protected virtual string CalculateFormPostBackUrl(bool externalSubmit, ref bool encode);
   protected virtual string CalculateFormQueryString( );
   protected virtual void CloseCharacterFormat( );
   protected virtual void CloseParagraph( );
   protected virtual void EnsureFormat( );
   protected virtual void EnsureLayout( );
   protected internal string MapClientIDToShortName(string clientID, bool generateRandomID);
   protected virtual void OpenCharacterFormat(WmlFormat format, bool writeBold, bool writeItalic, bool writeSize);
   protected virtual void OpenParagraph(WmlLayout layout, bool writeAlignment, bool writeWrapping);
   protected virtual void PostAnalyzeForm( );
   protected virtual void RenderBeginForm(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form form);
   protected void RenderDoEvent(string doType, string target, string arg, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        string text, bool includeVariables);
   protected virtual void RenderEndForm( );
   protected void RenderFormDoEvent(string doType, string arg, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, string text);
   protected virtual bool UsePostBackCard(bool includeVariables);
   protected void WriteBreak( );
   protected void WriteTextEncodedAttribute(string attribute, string value);


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.TextWriter(System.IDisposable) System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter MultiPartWriter MobileTextWriter WmlMobileTextWriter



Passed To

WmlControlAdapter.{Render( ), RenderBeginLink( ), RenderEndLink( ), RenderLink( ), RenderPostBackEvent( ), RenderSubmitEvent( )}, WmlFormAdapter.RenderPager( ), WmlObjectListAdapter.{RenderItemDetails( ), RenderItemMenu( ), RenderItemsList( )}, WmlPageAdapter.RenderForm( )

    Part I: Introduction to ASP.NET
    Part III: Namespace Reference
    Chapter 40. The System.Web.UI.MobileControls Namespace
    Chapter 42. The System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace