

System.Web.UI.WebControls (system.web.dll)enum

This enumeration is used to set the CheckBox.TextAlign and RadioButton.TextAlign properties. This value specifies whether text will be placed to the left or right of the control.

public enum TextAlign {
   Left = 1,
   Right = 2


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) TextAlign

Returned By

CheckBox.TextAlign, CheckBoxList.TextAlign, RadioButtonList.TextAlign

Passed To

CheckBox.TextAlign, CheckBoxList.TextAlign, RadioButtonList.TextAlign

    Part I: Introduction to ASP.NET
    Part III: Namespace Reference
    Chapter 40. The System.Web.UI.MobileControls Namespace
    Chapter 42. The System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace