On the other side of the hacker world are the professional computer security people, who include many former hackers and many so-called white hat hackers. By browsing through different computer security websites, you can read about the latest flaws and vulnerabilities that hackers could use to break into your computer.

  • @stake Once known as L0pht Industries, this hacker group decided there was more money to be made as a security consulting firm than as a renegade hacker group (

  • AntiOnline Offers hacker news, virus source code, and Trojan horse programs, along with a comprehensive profile of hackers for use by law enforcement agencies (

  • InfoSysSec Yahoo-like portal (see Figure 6-1) providing links to various computer security resources (

    Click To expand Figure 6-1: The InfoSysSec site lists the top ten ports that hackers use to break into a computer.

  • SecurityFocus Tries to offer news about the latest computer security flaws before they are known by the rest of the computer security field (

  • SecurityNewsPortal Provides the latest headlines covering hacking, information warfare, and virus outbreaks (

  • Offers articles and white papers covering anti-virus software, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network auditing (