One of the best ways to keep up with the ever-changing underground culture of computer hackers is to read hacker magazines. Because you probably won't find a hacker magazine at your favorite newsstand (with the exception of 2600 magazine), your best bet is to read some hacker magazines online. Hacker magazines tend to have an irregular publishing schedule, so don't be surprised if the latest issue is several months old.

  • 2600 The home of the quarterly hacker magazine, 2600. While its website doesn't offer any articles from the magazine, it does provide the latest hacker news along with an archive of defaced web pages (http://www.2600.com).

  • Computer Underground Digest A journal carrying news, research, and discussion of legal, social, and ethical issues concerning computer culture. Publication has since ceased, but this site can still be a rich source of hacker history (http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest).

  • Crypt Newsletter An online publication that pokes fun at the latest media hype surrounding computer viruses, hacker attacks, or encryption regulations. Covers computer crime, viruses, and the comical attempts of governments and corporations to control hackers for their own profit (http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~crypt).

  • Phrack The online version of one of the oldest hacker magazines, in operation since 1985. Phrack focuses on networking, telephony, and phone phreaking, and occasionally delves into other computer hacking topics as well (http://www.phrack.com).

  • TelecomWriting An unusual website specializing in the telephone system. At one time, this site published a magazine called Private Line, but when that magazine failed, the publisher focused on creating a comprehensive site covering all aspects of the telephone network (http://www.privateline.com).