This class provides the basis of Cocoa's
and redo system. NSUndoManager supports two kinds
of undo: simple undo and invocation-based undo. In simple
undo clients register in the undo
manager a target and selector that is used to undo the last
operation. In invocation based undo the client
creates an NSInvocation object that can undo the
last operation and record that in the undo manager. In either case,
it is the responsibility of the client to specify how the an
operation is undone; NSUndoManager simply provides
the machinery for keeping track of and executing the supplied
selectors or invocations.
@interface NSUndoManager : NSObject
// Accessor Methods |
- (void)setActionName:(NSString *)actionName;
- (void)setGroupsByEvent:(BOOL)groupsByEvent;
- (BOOL)groupsByEvent;
- (void)setRunLoopModes:(NSArray *)runLoopModes;
- (NSArray *)runLoopModes;
- (void)setLevelsOfUndo:(unsigned)levels;
- (unsigned)levelsOfUndo;
// Instance Methods |
- (void)beginUndoGrouping;
- (BOOL)canRedo;
- (BOOL)canUndo;
- (void)disableUndoRegistration;
- (void)enableUndoRegistration;
- (void)endUndoGrouping;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation;
- (int)groupingLevel;
- (BOOL)isRedoing;
- (BOOL)isUndoRegistrationEnabled;
- (BOOL)isUndoing;
- (id)prepareWithInvocationTarget:(id)target;
- (void)redo;
- (NSString *)redoActionName;
- (NSString *)redoMenuItemTitle;
- (NSString *)redoMenuTitleForUndoActionName:(NSString *)actionName;
- (void)registerUndoWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector object:(id)anObject;
- (void)removeAllActions;
- (void)removeAllActionsWithTarget:(id)target;
- (void)undo;
- (NSString *)undoActionName;
- (NSString *)undoMenuItemTitle;
- (NSString *)undoMenuTitleForUndoActionName:(NSString *)actionName;
- (void)undoNestedGroup;