This class provides an interface to objects that are responsible for
interpreting and rendering calls to the OpenGL API.
NSOpenGLContext supports rendering on the full
screen (as would be done in a game), off-screen, or into an instance
of NSOpenGLView (which might be useful for data
visualization applications).
@interface NSOpenGLContext : NSObject
// Initializers |
- (id)initWithFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)format shareContext:(NSOpenGLContext *)share;
// Accessor Methods |
- (void)setCurrentVirtualScreen:(int)screen;
- (int)currentVirtualScreen;
- (void)setFullScreen;
- (void)setOffScreen:(void *)baseaddr width:(long)width height:(long)height rowbytes:(long)rowbytes;
- (void)setValues:(const long *)vals forParameter:(NSOpenGLContextParameter)param;
- (void)setView:(NSView *)view;
- (NSView *)view;
// Class Methods |
+ (void)clearCurrentContext;
+ (NSOpenGLContext *)currentContext;
// Instance Methods |
- (void)createTexture:(unsigned long/*GLenum*/)target fromView:(NSView*)view
internalFormat:(unsigned long/*GLenum*/)format;
- (void)clearDrawable;
- (void)copyAttributesFromContext:(NSOpenGLContext *)context withMask:(unsigned long)mask;
- (void)flushBuffer;
- (void)getValues:(long *)vals forParameter:(NSOpenGLContextParameter)param;
- (void)makeCurrentContext;
- (void)update;