
NSScroller Mac OS X 10.0

This class represents the scrollbar control of a scroll view, and is used to control the scrolling of a document within a scroll view's clip view. There is usually no need to work with NSScroller objects in code, as they are completely configured within a scroll view by Interface Builder.


@interface NSScroller : NSControl
 // Convenience Constructors
   + (float)scrollerWidth;
   + (float)scrollerWidthForControlSize:(NSControlSize)controlSize;
 // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setFloatValue:(float)aFloat knobProportion:(float)percent;
   - (void)setControlTint:(NSControlTint)controlTint;
   - (NSControlTint)controlTint;
   - (void)setArrowsPosition:(NSScrollArrowPosition)where;
   - (NSScrollArrowPosition)arrowsPosition;
   - (void)setControlSize:(NSControlSize)controlSize;
   - (NSControlSize)controlSize;
 // Instance Methods
   - (void)checkSpaceForParts;
   - (void)drawArrow:(NSScrollerArrow)whichArrow highlight:(BOOL)flag;
   - (void)drawKnob;
   - (void)drawParts;
   - (void)highlight:(BOOL)flag;
   - (NSScrollerPart)hitPart;
   - (float)knobProportion;
   - (NSRect)rectForPart:(NSScrollerPart)partCode;
   - (NSScrollerPart)testPart:(NSPoint)thePoint;
   - (void)trackKnob:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
   - (void)trackScrollButtons:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
   - (NSUsableScrollerParts)usableParts;

    Part II: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 13. Foundation Classes