
NSBitmapImageRep Mac OS X 10.0

This subclass of NSImageRep represents bitmapped raster images. NSBitmapImageRep is able to read and write image data in many of the popular bitmap image data formats: TIFF, JPEG, Windows Bitmap, PNG, as well as raw data. This class allows applications to create bitmap image buffers that can be manipulated programmatically, and is thus useful for image manipulation and filtering applications. To obtain a pointer to the image data buffer, use the method bitmapData. If the image data is arranged in planes, rather than interlaced, use the method getBitmapDataPlanes:, which returns a C array of pointers to the image's data planes. NSBitmapImageRep provides a number of methods for discovering characteristics of the image data, such as the buffer size, pixel and sample formats, and more. See Chapter 4 for more information on how Cocoa handles images.


@interface NSBitmapImageRep : NSImageRep
 // Initializers
   - (id)initForIncrementalLoad;
   - (id)initWithBitmapDataPlanes:(unsigned char **)planes pixelsWide:(int)width pixelsHigh:(int)height
        bitsPerSample:(int)bps samplesPerPixel:(int)spp hasAlpha:(BOOL)alpha isPlanar:(BOOL)isPlanar
        colorSpaceName:(NSString *)colorSpaceName bytesPerRow:(int)rBytes bitsPerPixel:(int)pBits;
   - (id)initWithData:(NSData *)tiffData;
   - (id)initWithFocusedViewRect:(NSRect)rect;
 // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setCompression:(NSTIFFCompression)compression factor:(float)factor;
   - (void)setProperty:(NSString *)property withValue:(id)value;
 // Class Methods
   + (NSData *)TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray:(NSArray *)array;
   + (NSData *)TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray:(NSArray *)array usingCompression:(NSTIFFCompression)comp
   + (void)getTIFFCompressionTypes:(const NSTIFFCompression **)list count:(int *)numTypes;
   + (id)imageRepWithData:(NSData *)tiffData;
   + (NSArray *)imageRepsWithData:(NSData *)tiffData;
   + (NSString *)localizedNameForTIFFCompressionType:(NSTIFFCompression)compression;
   + (NSData *)representationOfImageRepsInArray:(NSArray *)imageReps                    
        usingType:(NSBitmapImageFileType)storageType properties:(NSDictionary *)properties;
 // Instance Methods
   - (NSData *)TIFFRepresentation;
   - (NSData *)TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression:(NSTIFFCompression)comp  factor:(float)factor;
   - (unsigned char *)bitmapData;
   - (int)bytesPerRow;
   - (int)bitsPerPixel;
   - (int)bytesPerPlane;
   - (BOOL)canBeCompressedUsing:(NSTIFFCompression)compression;
   - (void)colorizeByMappingGray:(float)midPoint toColor:(NSColor *)midPointColor
        blackMapping:(NSColor *)shadowColor whiteMapping:(NSColor *)lightColor;
   - (void)getBitmapDataPlanes:(unsigned char **)data;
   - (void)getCompression:(NSTIFFCompression *)compression factor:(float *)factor;
   - (int)incrementalLoadFromData:(NSData*)data complete:(BOOL)complete;
   - (BOOL)isPlanar;
   - (int)numberOfPlanes;
   - (NSData *)representationUsingType:(NSBitmapImageFileType)storageType
        properties:(NSDictionary *)properties;
   - (int)samplesPerPixel;
   - (id)valueForProperty:(NSString *)property;

    Part II: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 13. Foundation Classes