VclToClx Conversion Program

VclToClx Conversion Program

You can use this stand-alone tool to convert a Delphi project from VCL to CLX (and vice versa, if you configure it to do so). It can simultaneously convert all the files in a given folder and its subfolders. Here's an example of its output:

Click To expand

The program's source code is available in the Tools folder of the book's source code. The VclToClx program converts unit names (based on a configuration file) and handles the DFM issue by renaming the DFM files to XFM and fixing the references in the source code. The program is unsophisticated—it doesn't parse the source code but instead looks for occurrences of the unit names followed by a comma or semicolon, as happens in a uses statement. It also requires the unit name to be preceded by a space, but you can modify the program to look for a comma. Don't skip this extra test; otherwise the Forms unit will be converted to QForms, but the QForms unit will be re-converted to QQForms!

Part I: Foundations