What's Next?

What's Next?

While you're waiting for the Delphi for .NET product, currently code-named Galileo, you can begin experimenting with the Delphi for .NET Preview that ships with Delphi 7 (and the subsequent updates made available by Borland). Of course, you should stay tuned to Borland's Developer Network website (bdn.borland.com) and newsgroups and to the author's site for update information about this area of Delphi, which is definitely a work in progress.

Just as Borland wants to provide the best tools to developers, I hope this book has helped you master Delphi, the most successful tool Borland has brought to the market in the last few years. Remember to check from time to time the reference, foundations, and advanced material I've collected on my website (www.marcocantu.com). Much of this material could not be included in this book, because of space constraints; see Appendix C, "Free Companion Books on Delphi," for more information.

Appendixes A and B discuss some of the add-ins I've built, which are freely available on my site, and a few other notable free Delphi tools. Also check my site for updates and integration of the material in the book, and feel free to use the newsgroups hosted there for your questions about the book and about Delphi in general.

Part I: Foundations