What's Next?

What's Next?

In this chapter, I've focused my attention on new features of the Delphi function-based run-time library. I have provided only a summary of the RTL, not a complete overview (which would take too much space). You can find more examples of the basic RTL functions of Delphi in the free e-books available on my website, as discussed in Appendix C.

In the next chapter, we'll begin moving from the function-based RTL to the class-based RTL, which is the core of Delphi's class library. I won't debate whether the core classes common to the VCL and CLX, such as TObject, actually belong to the RTL or the class library. I've covered everything defined in System, SysUtils, and other units hosting functions and procedures in this chapter; the next chapter focuses on the Classes unit and other core units that define classes.

Along with the preceding chapter on the Delphi language, Chapter 4 will provide a foundation for discussing visual- and database-oriented classes (or components, if you prefer). Looking at the various library units, you'll find many more global functions, which don't belong to the core RTL but are still quite useful.

Part I: Foundations