Generate secure passwords and protect your computer while you're away with these programs.


  • Password Generator Generates random passwords. Freeware. (

  • ISS Complock II Password-protects your computer to prevent someone from booting it up without your knowledge. Shareware. (

  • Magic Folders Hides files and folders from view to keep a thief from finding them. Shareware. (

  • Quicky Password Generator Helps you create a unique and difficult-to-guess password (which may also be difficult to remember). Freeware. (

  • PGP Desktop Security Protects your data across your network and the Internet by encrypting information in email, hard drives, and more. Trialware. (

  • Security Officer In addition to monitoring the programs run on your computer, this program can also protect your files from being modified or deleted. Shareware. (

  • WinGuardian Logs all programs run along with keystrokes typed in each program. Trialware. (