
NSPrinter Mac OS X 10.0

This class represents a printer as it is described in its PPD file. Using this class, applications can obtain information about any of the printers found in the Print Center application. To create an instance of NSPrint, use either the method printerWithName: or the method printerWithType:. If the printer indicated by the name or type does not exist in the Print Center printer list, these methods will return nil. In these methods, Type refers to the make and model of the printer, while Name refers to the name given to the printer in Print Center. Applications can obtain arrays of the names and types of available printers by invoking the class methods printerNames and printerTypes, respectively.


@interface NSPrinter : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying>
 // Convenience Constructors
   + (NSArray *)printerNames;
   + (NSArray *)printerTypes;
   + (NSPrinter *)printerWithName:(NSString *)name;
   + (NSPrinter *)printerWithName:(NSString *)name domain:(NSString *)domain includeUnavailable:(BOOL)flag;
   + (NSPrinter *)printerWithType:(NSString *)type;
 // Instance Methods
   - (BOOL)acceptsBinary;
   - (BOOL)booleanForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSDictionary *)deviceDescription;
   - (NSString *)domain;
   - (float)floatForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSString *)host;
   - (NSRect)imageRectForPaper:(NSString *)paperName;
   - (int)intForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (BOOL)isColor;
   - (BOOL)isFontAvailable:(NSString *)faceName;
   - (BOOL)isKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (BOOL)isOutputStackInReverseOrder;
   - (int)languageLevel;
   - (NSString *)name;
   - (NSString *)note;
   - (NSSize)pageSizeForPaper:(NSString *)paperName;
   - (NSRect)rectForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSSize)sizeForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSPrinterTableStatus)statusForTable:(NSString *)tableName;
   - (NSString *)stringForKey:(NSString *)key inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSArray *)stringListForKey:(NSString *)key  inTable:(NSString *)table;
   - (NSString *)type;
 // Methods Implementing NSCoding
   - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder;
   - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder;
 // Methods Implementing NSCopying
   - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;

    Part II: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 13. Foundation Classes