List of Tables

List of Tables

Chapter 3: Linux

Table 3.1: Some companies or groups that release Linux distributions.

Chapter 5: Configuring and Tuning Cluster Networks

Table 5.1: Some example services with descriptions and category of external systems that should have access to them.

Chapter 8: Parallel Programming with MPI

Table 8.1: The most common MPI datatypes. C and Fortran types on the same row are often but not always the same type. The type MPI_BYTE is used for raw data bytes and does not correspond to any particular datatype. The type MPI_PACKED is used for data that was incrementally packed with the routine MPI_Pack. The C++ MPI datatypes have the same name as the C datatypes but without the MPI_prefix, for example, MPI::INT.
Table 8.2: Accessing the source and tag after an MPI_Recv.
Table 8.3: Some MPI implementations for Linux.

Chapter 9: Advanced Topics in MPI Programming

Table 9.1: A sampling of libraries that use MPI. See Chapter 12 for a more thorough list.

Chapter 12: Numerical and Scientific Software for Clusters

Table 12.1: Support routines for numerical linear algebra. LINALG is a collection of software that is available but too varied to describe.
Table 12.2: Direct solvers for systems of linear equations.
Table 12.3: Sparse direct solvers.
Table 12.4: Sparse eigenvalue solvers.
Table 12.5: Sparse iterative solvers.

Chapter 13: Cluster Management

Table 13.1: Most useful system log files.

Chapter 15: Condor: A Distributed Job Scheduler

Table 15.1: List of user commands.
Table 15.2: Commands reserved for the administrator.

Chapter 16: Maui Scheduler: A High Performance Cluster Scheduler

Table 16.1: Maui priority components.

Chapter 17: PBS: Portable Batch System

Table 17.1: Qsub options.
Table 17.2: PBS resources.
Table 17.3: PBS user commands.
Table 17.4: qmgr commands.
Table 17.5: PBS node attributes.
Table 17.6: Default scheduling policy parameters.
Table 17.7: Job-tracking commands.

Chapter 18: Scyld Beowulf

Table 18.1: Environment variables used when starting MPI jobs.
Table 18.2: Scyld libraries.
Table 18.3: Common configuration files.
Table 18.4: Parameters for building Scyld kernels.
Table 18.5: Scyld command line programs.

Part III: Managing Clusters