Taking a Tour of Adobe's New Title Designer

Open Premiere to your workspace. Locate the Title Designer. It's not where you might expect?under the Windows drop-down menu along with Audio Mixer, Navigator, History, and the like. Instead, it's in the File menu.

Select File, New, Title. That pops up the Title Designer. As you can see in Figure 8.1, at an 800x600 screen resolution, the Title Designer consumes your entire screen and then some.

Figure 8.1. Premiere 6.5's new Title Designer.


Before you type your first letter, note that when you open the Title Designer interface, Premiere adds a Title drop-down menu to the main interface.

Briefly check that out. Note the overwhelming number of fonts. One way to get a grip on them is to click Browse. Scroll down in the Browse window to Wingdings and select that typeface by clicking it.


Check out some other items on that drop-down menu. Most are standard typeface elements: Font Size, Alignment (left, center, right), Orientation (horizontal or vertical), and Word Wrap (while typing, when you reach the end of the line, Premiere automatically moves the cursor to the next line).

Now for a little experimentation.

Click inside the large gray box. That places a cursor at that location. Start typing. Because you selected Wingdings, you should get some wild looking text?something like what's shown in Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2. Taking the Title Designer for a test drive with Wingdings.


Note what happens as your text approaches the edge of the window. The cursor jumps to the next line because the Word Wrap default value is "On."

Try dragging and dropping your Wingdings text. As with similar text boxes in word processors, you can move your cursor into the box, wait for it to turn into a four-arrow diamond, and then drag the Wingdings text box around anywhere on the screen. If you grab a handle at a corner or edge, you can expand or contract the box.

Take a look at what happens when you do that. The text stretches or compresses as you move the box handles. This is the default Point Text setting.

    Part II: Enhancing Your Video